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"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Did you forget that I live around here?" she responds, rolling her eyes.


"Oh hush, Luke," Annabella replies, and I roll my eyes.

"Just leave me alone, okay?"

"Why? You're not with your pet today."

"Her name is Ember," I snap, finally meeting her eyes. "And I'm trying to buy her a gift, so leave me be."

"Whatcha getting her?"

"None of your business," I groan as she moves closer to me. I step back, returning the bottle of perfume I had.

"She'd like lipstick, probably. She could use some better ones," Anne snorts, running a hand through her hair.

"Can you just leave?" I ask her, exasperated.

She doesn't respond for a moment, simply standing there, pretending to look at the perfume.

I roll my eyes again before grabbing a good looking box and walking down the aisle. I can hear the "click click" of her heels as she follows me, and I groan.

"Holy shit! Luke!"

I look toward the voice to see a girl grinning and waving excitedly at me.

"Hey," I respond, walking up to the cashier and placing the box on the counter. "It's a present for my girlfriend."

"Alright. What kind of bag would you like?" the cashier asks.

"Something cute, I guess," I respond as I look at the rows of Mac lipsticks beside me. Grabbing two that I know will look great on Ember, I place them beside the perfume. "These, too. Thanks."

"Can I get a picture?"

I look over my shoulder to see the girl from a minute ago.

"Sure." I smile at her and glance at the cashier, who gives me a nod. I step away from the counter and take a few pictures with the girl, who thanks me profusely. "It's no problem," I assure her, looking to the cashier again.

"That'll be $39.95," she tells me, and I pull out my wallet.

"What's your name?" I ask the girl.

"Alice," she replies.

"Well, Alice, I appreciate your politeness today, and..." I look at her face again before looking to the rows of lipsticks and choosing one. "This." I wave the small box. "Is on me." Handing it to the cashier, I pay for everything.

"Oh my god! Thank you so much!" Alice exclaims, jumping up and down a little.

"You're welcome," I laugh as the cashier hands me two small bags, one with Ember's presents and one with Alice's lipstick. "Thanks," I say before handing Alice her bag.

"This is so weird but sweet," she laughs.

"I was on a lipstick-choosing roll, so," I respond lightly.

"Is that for Ember?" she asks.


"No. It's for me, of course!" Annabella appears out of nowhere and announces.

"Where the fuck did you come from?" I demand, turning to look at her. Suddenly, before I can even realize what's happening, she's kissing me. 

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