I'm the Human in this Boarding School [Chap. 22]

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"The sooner we get this over with, the better," Zephyr told me. He's trying to get me to go to the Council and tell them that I'm a vampire now and to let me go because it's illegal to kill a vampire unless they've done something wrong.

I don't even know why I'm letting any of this happen in the first place. I know I didn't really have a choice when it came to being taken away from Knight High, but if I wouldn't have been a bitch to those nerds back at my old school, none of this would've ever happened.

Maybe I'm letting it happen because I love Zephyr?

I should've just let them feed me to the dragon and that'd be that. All of this would be over and I wouldn't be feeling like this.

But I don't want that to happen. Why?

No, I'm not a coward.

I'm a fool who can't think right and doesn't know what's best for herself.

"Can't we just run away instead? That's what we did -more like what I did- these past few months." I asked him. Okay, maybe a little cowardice. But not that much!

I mean seriously, who'd wanna be eaten alive? Weird people. That's who.

As much as I like this place, I don't wanna be here anymore. In a way, there's a sense of dispair to the building. Maybe it's that run-down area that I saw as we were walking up the cobblestone path that was surrounded by dragon statues that had eyes that seemed to follow you.

Yeah, it's gotta be that.

"We're always running away from problems. Just deal with them instead of trying to avoid the situation."

"If you love me, then you'll run away with me." I know, I know. It wasn't very nice of me to pull the if-you-love-me-you'll-do-this card, but I had to.

He groaned in frustration. "That's so unfair."

I was kinda caught off guard by his reaction. Did he really love me? I thought it was just an act. "Well, life's unfair."

Obviously. I mean seriously? Look at what's happened to me in a span of less than a year. A lot's happened. Pretty much none of it's been good either. "Well, actually, if you loved me, I wouldn't be in this stupid predicament in the first place."

"Well, what was I supposed to do?" he snapped.

"Oh, I don't know," I said sarcastically. "Maybe telling me what was really going to happen would've been a good option."

He seemed thoughtful for a few moments. "Actually, no. It probably wouldn't have been a good idea to do so."

"And why's that?"

"So much more could've gone wrong. We could both be dead at the moment if I would've told you what was going to happen."

"Right now that seems like a better alternative." And I really mean that. I would much rather be dead right now. I kinda wonder why I let him change me. Maybe it's the hope that I could possibly see my mom again or go back to Knight High and graduate from there. So many things wavered my decision to stay alive against letting the Council kill me. Even though I don't know if they'll let me go just because I'm a vampire.

"Don't say that," he told me, abruptly snapping me out of my thoughts. "We'll get out of this and be okay. I promise."

"You've promised me a lot of things, Zephyr. You've broken all of those promises. What makes you think I'll believe you this time?"

He bowed his head, obviously ashamed of his past actions. "I don't know. I'm just really hoping that you will."

"I'll make the mistake of trusting you one last time, just don't make the mistake of decieving me once again."

His face brightened up, but only barely. "Thank you. I will make sure you can trust me again."

"I hope so," I replied.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes, and thoughts of the dragons in the pond came across my mind.

"Why do the dragons live in the pond?" I asked Zephyr, obviously distracting him from his thoughts.

"There's dragons in the pond?" he asked, his voice not normal.


"How many?"

"Three. C'mon, I'll show you," I told him, leading him out to my balcony that overlooked the beautiful blue pond.

After observing the pond for longer than I though was necessary, he turned to me, his expression unreadable. "There's hardly ever dragons in the pond. And when there is, there's only one because it means that the current one we have is going to die shortly and the one in the pond will be it's replacement. The dead one's soul gets turned into a statue and is put on the path leading to the main entrance of the building."

"Then why are there three?" I asked him, amazed by the information I just recieved, but it didn't make sense if there's three when they only need one.

"Whenever there's three, it means that a very poweful vampire is in presense of the pond."


"Or a very powerful human."

"But I'm not a human anymore."

"You saw them before you got turned into a vampire, didn't you?" he asked me.

"Well, yeah."

"Then it's probably you. This has only ever happened before once in history, back in 200 A.D. This is the only pond that is like this out there in the world, and all the vampires agreed that the Council building should be relatively close to it."

"When you say powerful, how much power is that?" I asked him, curious.

"Enough to destroy the whole universe," he told me gravely.

"What happened to the guy back in 200 A.D.?"

"He went mad from being overwhelmed by the power. The universe was almost destroyed because of this. He was in the process of the first step to destroying it when his friend stabbed him in the heart through the back. Alexander Trinity was the name of the madman. Alexander knew what could possibly happen to him with all of the power he witheld. He had told his friend from the very start that if he was to go crazy, that Alexander wanted his friend to kill him."

"Wow. So, I'm gonna go crazy?" I asked him, not liking the idea of me being a threat to the universe and everything it held within.

"If you do, I'll kill you just like what Alexander's friend did to him."

"Psh. Thanks."

"Well, would you want the universe destroyed all because of you?"

"No, not exactly."

"That's what I thought. So, don't complain," Zephyr told me.

"Alright," I grumbled. "Well, what do we do now?"

"We get the hell out of here before the Council sees the three dragons in the pond and realizes you're the one with all the power."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

That was chapter 22!

I hope you guys liked it. I'm really sorry it took me forever to update. I had lost the papers that had this chapter written on it somewhere in the abyss of my room, but I found it today, and I'm happy.

I hope I'll update soon, but if I lose my next chapter, it'll take this long again.

Anyways, vote, comment, and fan? :)

Oh, and I'm getting kinda bored with the picture I've got for my cover, will you guys make me a new cover? Whoever makes me the best cover, I'll dedicate a chapter to you in this story, read your story if you have one, vote on it, comment on it, and fan you :)

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