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Robert's POV

I just sat on the couch with my head in my hands, I finished all of the bottles and cans of alcohol, I was soo drunk! I heard a knock at the door so I puffed out my alcohol breathe with a sigh and I heard another knock but this time it got louder! My head ponded from the few loud knocks before I finally got up and stumbled towards the door, but I nearly fell a couple times on the way! I finally got to the door and slowly reached for the handle and as I pulled it open I stumbled backwards and suddenly a hand grabbed me before I was flat on the floor.

Aaron's POV

When I got Robert's room number from the hotel secretary I ran up the staircase to find his room, I knocked over and over until he opened the door. When he finally opened the door I suddenly reached out my hand to grab him from falling.

Aaron - "What the hell Robert?!"

Robert turned around and stumbled towards the couch and fell on it. I looked at the table in front of him and there was 27 bottles and 21 cans of alcohol scattered over the table that basically covered it.

Robert's POV

I looked up at Aaron slowly and I could barely see him, he was staring at the table in front of me.

Robert - "What, what ya doing here?"
Aaron - "I came to find you to see if you were okay, which you obviously not by the way!"

Aaron's POV

I was looking at Robert as he slammed his head down into his hands in complete shame. I walked over to him and sat down, I put my arm around his neck and pulled him closer and whispered to him softly.

Aaron - "What's wrong Robert?"
Robert - "I don't know.. What you mean?"
Aaron - "Well you came here to get away from me and drink, there's clearly something up?"
Robert - "Nope, just.. Just needed time."
Aaron - "See, you've spelt out your annoyed with something! What is it?"
Robert - "N- Nothing!"

I knew he wouldn't tell me so I put my other arm around him and pulled him into a hug which he excepted with no struggles.

Robert - "I- I'm sorry, Aaron."
Aaron - "It's okay Rob, just if you ever feel like drinking yourself to death again, just talk to me yeah?"
Robert - "Well I- I don't really t- tell people about what I feel and what's wrong y'know."
Aaron - "Yeah I know, but at least try. For me?"
Robert - "F- Fine I'll try! Only for you, because I love you."
Aaron - "Thank you, you know I'll be here for you know matter what! I love you too Rob!"

I pulled him back into another big hug but I didn't want to let go.

Aaron - "I'm staying over night with you!"
Robert - "What about your mum?"
Aaron - "Whoa, are you worried? Robert Sugden worried about what my mum might say?"
Robert - "N- No, I just don't want to get you into trouble!"
Aaron - "Good way of handling that! Nah she won't go mad, nobody will tell her either, will they?"
Robert - "Well I sure won't!"

Robert smirked at me and grabbed me and spun me onto my back on the couch and he climbed on top of me. Robert leant down to me and kissed my lips so passionately, I inhaled his breathe that smelt and tasted so good.

Aaron - "Y'know you could've kept me some beer!"
Robert - "Shut up, I would've if I knew you where stopping by!"

I grinned at Robert and received one back. I rapped my arms around Robert's head and pulled him back down to my lips where our soft warm lips lock together and it feels so good.


Sorry I took so long to do this :(
Robrons so cuteee!! :D
I hope you enjoyed it anyway :)

I Need To Forget The PastOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz