♡Saturday Evening♡

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I was just sat on Joseph's bed with my head in my hands. I heard the door fly open do I looked up but moved my head back into my hands.

Joseph - "Hey. Are you okay?"
Aaron - "Um, yeah.."
Joseph - "Good. So do you wanna go down to the cinemas now after we see what's on, on my laptop?"
Aaron - "Yeah."
Joseph - "Okay just let me grab my laptop out of the living room."
Aaron - "No no, I'll come downstairs and sit on the sofa with you while on the laptop."
Joseph - "Oh, okay. Meet you on the sofa then."
Aaron - "Yeah."

As I watched Joseph walk through the door towards the stairway, my thoughts blurred from Joseph to Robert.
I walked down the stairs slowly and into the living room and sat down next to Joseph on the sofa cushion.

Joseph - "Hey took you long enough."
Aaron - "Um.."
Joseph - "I'm joking. Anyway, I've set the laptop up and went onto the cinema website. What would you like to watch?"
Aaron - "Could we click onto the horror and action section."
Joseph - "Really? I was thinking more like romances or comedy's."
Aaron - "Your a wimp?"
Joseph - "No but I thought you'd like to see a romance with your boyfriend or a comedy."
Aaron - "No I like horrors."
Joseph - "Okay then which film?"
Aaron - "I was thinking 'the conjuring 2'?"
Joseph - "Oh okay.. S- Shall we go now then..?"
Aaron - "Yeah."

I could tell he was stuttering about saying yes. We finally came to an agreement, we're going to see 'the conjuring 2'. I knew Joseph didn't want to see that movie because he wanted to see a romantic one. I only watch romantic movies with the people I love.. Like- Like Rob- Robert.
We got to the cinemas and walked over to the bored with the movie choice.

Joseph - "Oh god! Can we see this romantic movie please! I love it!"
Aaron - "What is it?"
Joseph - "It's about two gay men. The gay one has a secret affair with another man who isn't sure about his sexuality. They brake up and the gay one gets another boyfriend but still loves his ex lover which is the man who wasn't sure about his sexuality. They both still love each other but can't admit it but then they kiss and their relationship starts again."

This movie sounds like me and Robert? Oh my god it does! The love affair, when one gets a new boyfriend but still loves his ex lover!

Aaron - "You've already spoiled it for me."
Joseph - "Not much though. Please?"
Aaron - "Fine."
Joseph - "Oh my god! Thank you!"

He rushed me to the counter to pay for the gay romantic movie. It was like they made a movie about mine and Robert's love story. We got served and we had to walk to the screen which was screen 7. We got there and walked though the double doors and out seats where b1 and b2. We finally found out seats and sat down, I sat in b1 at the end of the row.

Joseph - "Are you exited?"
Aaron - "Um not really if I'm being honest to ya"
Joseph - "Why not?"
Aaron - "Cause I wanted to watch the-"
Joseph - "Shush! It's on!"

What? He told me to shut up and the movie wasn't even on! It was just the stupid adverts that is always on before the actual movie! Normally while the adverts are on Robert turns to me and kisses me until the actual movie starts even if it's on tape he'd just let it come on by itself.


I'm sorry I haven't been uploading in awhile. It's because I've been having trouble and problems with my best friends and lads.
I hope you enjoy it anyway :)

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