♡Did You Mean It♡

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Aaron woke up thinking but not about Joseph, about Robert and what he said "Did Robert mean what he said to me last night?.. Nah probably not he hated me and didn't care if I got hurt! Also he was drunk and probably wasn't thinking straight." Bad thoughts kept spinning around his head about Robert. Aaron's phone beeped so he reached out to get it and it was from Joseph saying: "Hey Aaron! Last night was good too! I really enjoy your company. So I was thinking if you'd like to sleep at mine all next weekend? Or I could sleep at yours?" Aaron though about it "I don't want to sleep at his because Robert isn't there. Oh my god maybe I should sleep there to get my mind of him!" Aaron text back saying: "At yours if that's alright? I'd like that, to get outta this village for the weekend." Joseph said: "Yeah that's fine can't wait see ya then!" Aaron said: "Okay see ya!" He kept thinking "What if I wake up at Joseph's thinking about Robert? Stop thinking about him! I can't I still love him. No I don't! Yes I do I can't deny the feelings I have for him! Oh my god why is my life so complicated?!"

The Woolpack
Aaron walked through with a packet of crisps and sat at the bar.
Chas - "Alright love?" She greeted him with a friendly smile.
Aaron - "Yeah I'm good, can I 'av a pint?" He said while doing the gesture he does which Robert thought was funny.
Robert walked in and seen Aaron sitting at the so he walked over to sit with him, Aaron noticed Robert but his heart wouldn't let him move.
Robert - "Alright?" He smiled.
Aaron tried to ignore him but he couldn't help but talk to him.
Robert - "So erm you been thinking about what I said last night?" He said still stuttering as he spoke.
Aaron - "What? Do you even remember what you said? You were drunk so you probably just said random stuff."
Robert - "What? No! I meant it Aaron, I still love you." He muttered.
Aaron - "Yeah? Well I've moved on. And I suggest you to do the same." He said while rising to walk through the back after downing his pint.

The back
Aaron walked through to the back and sat down on the sofa to watch the television. He kept thinking about what Robert said last night and what he just said at the bar a minute ago. "Does Robert really still love me? For god sake why did I say that I'm over him when I'm clearly still in love with him! Oh god I'm so stupid! I can't wait till the weekend where I'll spend it with Joseph and hopefully forget about Robert for them two and a half days." Thoughts kept on sliding into Aaron's mind that made him think about Robert when he knew that he has to stop, but he just couldn't because he still really loved Robert and he still wanted him to be his, but he can't and he knows he can't.


I hope you liked this chapter. :)❤️Xox
By the way I like writing Robron stories so I'm sorry if your starting to get sick of them. Xox

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