♡I Can't Fall Again♡

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Aaron woke up at 7:30AM, again thinking about Robert. "Why can't I just forget about Robert and just love Joseph?" But it isn't that simple because the reason why Aaron can't stop thinking about Robert is because he still loves him and wants them to get back together. Aaron just tried to ignore it, he got ready to go to the scrapyard to meet Adam, but Aaron got a text from Adam saying: "Hey mate I'm sorry but I'm won't be in today because I'm going to see a client about some stupid scrap, so I'll see ya later. Oh and in the portacabin there's a list of what needs to be done on the desk." Aaron sighed and just text back saying: "Orite then see ya later and cheers."

The scrapyard
Aaron walked up the stoney gritted path up to the portacabin to see what needs doing. As Aaron stepped out to get the car sorted and ready to be scrapped he caught Robert staring at him.
Aaron - "Tek a picture it'll last longer!"
Robert - "I would if I could since I can't have you!" He chuckled.

Robert walked over to Aaron and looked him in his sparkling blue eyes and slightly bit his lip when looking Aaron up from his eyes down to his lips.
Aaron - "What do ya want now?"
Robert - "I want you Aaron." He chuckled.
Aaron stood there and sighed silently while Robert was still laughing to himself.
Robert - "Actually I came to give the signed documents back, here." Robert slipped a smirk in but it got ignored.
Aaron - "Tar I'll put it back in the draw."
Robert nodded as Aaron walked away back into the portacabin. Robert decided on following him in, so he did, Robert followed Aaron into the portacabin and shut the door behind him.

The portacabin
Aaron placed the documents into a draw and slid it back shut and locked it afterwards. Aaron turned back round to see Robert leaning on the door facing him.
Aaron - "For god sake Robert what do ya want?!" He said quite frustrated at this point.
Robert - "You know what I want Aaron." He added a smirk after his words.
Aaron - "Honestly I couldn't care less what you want."
Robert - "But you do. I know you still have feelings for me but your just trying to hide them."
Aaron - "I told you I've moved on and you need to do the same! Now can you go!"

Robert moved closer to Aaron and Aaron felt a tingle go up his spine "I still love Robert and I know it! Why can't I just tell him?! Why am I so stupid! Just tell him!" Robert leaned in for a kiss but Aaron dodged it. "Why the hell did I dodge that kiss oh for god sake I'm so stupid!"
Aaron - "Just go Robert!"
Robert nodded disappointingly and walked out the door. Aaron just had to forget and get back to work on scrapping things.


I hope you liked this chapter :)
I like writing this story so I hope you like it! :)
And by the way the photo for this chapter is so cute! It's like Aaron is just staring into Robert's eyes and falling deeper and deeper in love with him aww!🙈☺️Xox

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