♡Blame Game♡

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Robert's POV

It's been two days now since Joseph blamed me on a lie. I know it wasn't my fault, so why am I still even thinking about it? As I was in my thoughts I felt something rap around my waist. I looked down to see Aaron holding me tight like a koala clinging onto a branch.

Aaron - "Morning beautiful."
Robert - "Morning gorgeous!"
Aaron - "You want a bacon sarnie?"
Robert - "Nah I'll grab something at the cafe on the way to a meeting."
Aaron - "A meeting? What meeting?"
Robert - "Oh, I forgot to tell you."
Aaron - "Well?"
Robert - "Right, erm, well I have a meeting with a man about paperwork."
Aaron - "What paperwork?"
Robert - "Paperwork from the scrapyard, I need to collect a file from the portacabin."
Aaron - "Oh, we can walk up after our SARNIE and I'll give you the file?"
Robert - "Fine, alright but I don't wanna be late, hurry."
Aaron - "I will."

Aaron's POV

Robert finally agreed to let me make him breakfast. I walked out of the door and downstairs to make us a sandwich. Robert was acting weird today, what's up with him? Should I ask him what's wrong? Nah, even if I did ask he wouldn't tell me, Robert keeps his feelings hidden, it's like he doesn't like to talk about his feelings with anyone. He probably doesn't even like to think or feel them, but I do know when he does feel them, he drinks himself to sleep, sometimes he'd even pass out.

I walked back into the room with mine and Robert's sandwiches, I smiled as I handed him it on the bed to him. I sat next to him carefully so I never spilt my sandwich.

Aaron - "So, are you okay?"
Robert - "Yeah, why?"
Aaron - "Just wondering."
Robert - "Alright."

We sat in silent eating, it was quite awkward, what's up with him? I feel like I should be worried, but I know he hates when people worry about him to much. Just as I finished my last bite Robert stood up from the bed and picked up his plate.

Robert - "Are you done?"
Aaron - "Yeah, what's up?"
Robert - "Nothing I just wanna get to my meeting."
Aaron - "Alright then, let's go."

I stood up with Robert and we walked downstairs to put our plates on the side of the sink. We walked to Robert's car and he drove to the scrapyard. We got to the scrapyard and jumped out of the car, we walked to the portacabin and walked in. I walked over to my desk and looked in a draw to find the file that Robert wanted sitting at the top of the other stuff. I turned to Robert with a smile.

Aaron - "Here you go."

I handed Robert the file and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

Robert - "Thanks, well I better get going, see ya later yeah?"
Aaron - "Yeah."

Robert walked out of the door and down the metal steps with the file in his arm.

Robert's POV

I walked down the portacabin steps and got in my car. I started thinking to myself; why does Aaron love me? I'm not perfect, I hurt him, I killed him mums best mate, I shot Paddy; his step-dad, I've done many bad things to him in my life, why'd he pick a loser like me? There's plenty other lads and their all better than me! All except Joseph, obviously!

I just put the radio on and kept on driving, trying to bloke out the bad thoughts, they wouldn't go, they just kept coming back stronger! I finally got to my meeting. I hopped out of my car and headed in the building.

Aaron's POV

I really hope Robert's okay, I'd hate for him to still be blaming himself on the whole Joseph thing. As I was in my thoughts I heard footsteps coming towards me, I turned my head towards the noise to see it's Adam.

Adam - "Hey mate, you alright?"
Aaron - "Yeah I'm fine, just couldn't be bothered to get out of bed, it was too comfy!"
Adam - "Hah, I get ya mate, I get ya! So has Robert collected the file for his scrapyard meeting?"
Aaron - "Erm, yeah, I gave him it about 20 minutes ago."
Adam - "Okay, so you wanna help me scrap this black Audi?"
Aaron - "Aye, nowt else to do, also I'm stronger than you are so probably a good idea!"
Adam - "Oi, shut up you!"

We both laughed, maybe this would stop the bad thoughts of what Robert's doing, he'll be fine Aaron!


I'm sorry it was long, but I haven't posted in awhile so I thought I'd make up for it by making this chapter longer.
Cliffhanger, well sort of, I guess :)
I hope you enjoyed reading this longer chapter :)
Also I will be doing from both Robert's and Aaron's point of view now. I was inspired by heather07927 to write in their point of views, so thank you heather07927 for giving me this idea! :D Go follow her, she has an amazing Robron story, check it out :)

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