♡I Want Your Love♡

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I woke up to see the barn roof above me, I turned my head to see a handsome man laying beside me with his hand across my body. I was so happy that I woke up next to Robert instead of Joseph, even in a barn instead of a house! I heard a noise, Robert woke up to see me and he rapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

Robert - "Morning, I'm actually so glad that I woke up to see your gorgeous face!"
Aaron - "Me too."
Robert - "Really?"
Aaron - "Yeah."

I leant down and kissed Robert's warm lips once and sat up again with a smirk. Robert jerked up and pinned me down. While he was on top of me he let out a soft moan, as did I. Robert leant down and locked lips with mine, he wanted to throw away the key at this point.

It was now 4:30pm and me and Robert were getting dressed, I couldn't help but stare at his amazingly built beautiful body.

Aaron - "I was thinking we could go back to the pub and have a pint?"
Robert - "Sure but what about ya mum?"
Aaron - "Well were mates now and she can't stop us from being mates.. Or more to be fair."
Robert - "Yeah, I guess so."

We walked back to the pub and walked in together talking and laughing. Robert sat down in the booth and I went to the bar, to see my mum giving me and Robert evils.

Aaron - "Mum!"
Chas - "I'm sorry I can't help it love, I just don't like him."
Aaron - "Can't you at least try?.. For me."
Chas - ".. Fine. For you, not for him! Anyway how comes you two are talking again, I thought you hated each other.. Well I thought you hated him anyway?"
Aaron - "Dunno, I guess I don't like ignoring him, it's not good for me y'know."
Chas - "Right. You's aren't seeing each other again are you?"
Aaron - "Erm, no I have J- Joseph."
Chas - "Good. Keep it like that then. And make sure that he doesn't try it on with you yeah?"
Aaron - "Erm. Yeah.."
Chas - "You alright? You don't like him again do you?"
Aaron - "Mum, I erm never really stopped.."
Chas - "Aaron."
Aaron - "No mum, I can handle it. Just leave it! Two pints please? TOXIC AND POISON FREE!"
Chas - "Haha okay. Sit I'll bring it over."
Aaron - "No it's alright I'll take them."

It took about 40 seconds go my mum to pour both pints.

Chas - "Here. On the house."
Aaron - "Why?"
Chas - "Because he's got you in his mind tricks to pay for him."
Aaron - "Mum no he doesn't! Thanks for the pints."
Chas - "Aww, Aaron, don't be like that."

I walked back over to the booth with both pints and placed Robert's pint and mine on a coaster. I sat next to Robert and we locked eyes, we couldn't lock lips in here, unfortunately.

Robert - "So what's up with ya mum?"
Aaron - "Well same old, she doesn't like you and thinks you playing mind tricks to get to me."
Robert - "Oh, that's just great!"
Aaron - "It's alright because I know your not."

Robert linked my hand underneath the table and I happily accepted. Then the door burst open and in came a crying man who ran over to our booth and sat with me while his tears flooded.


I hope you enjoyed reading this cute chapter of Robron🙈☺️
Who sat with Aaron while crying?😱
Will it change Aaron's life?

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