♡Truth Reviled♡

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I opened the door and I saw Joseph standing in front of me.

Aaron - "Hey, erm, Joseph, what's up?"
Joseph - "Can we talk?"
Aaron - "Sure, come in."

Joseph came in and sat on the kitchen table, I sat across from him.

Joseph - "I think I need to-"

Just as Joseph was going to say his sentence another knock banged. I got up to answer it and Robert was standing there looking good as usual. Robert smiled at me as we walked through the to the kitchen to sit with Joseph.

Robert - "Have you told him yet?!"

Robert sounded really annoyed as he looked him dead in the eyes.

Joseph - "Erm, no, but I'm going to now."

Has Robert fell for this loser and there gonna slowly slip out of my life so they can be together?!

Robert - "It's not that!"
Aaron - "What?"
Robert - "I know you well, and I can assure you that we do not like each other, to be honest we hate each other!"
Joseph - "Thanks."
Robert - "Well I hate him!"
Joseph - "I'm sitting right here you know."
Robert - "I know you are. Crack on with it then!"
Joseph - "Well, Aaron, I'm- im married- To a woman."
Aaron - "Your bisexual?"
Joseph - "Erm, yeah, I guess so. I have a wife and two beautiful children."
Aaron - "So why you cheating and lying to them all?!"
Joseph - "Fun?"
Aaron - "That's not fun! I can understand if you are gay and can't brake up with your other half, but if you have kids, that's a whole different story! Get out, were done!"
Joseph - "See what you made me do!"
Robert - "What? You mean to stop a lie that would brake someone's heart if it continued? Or the fact that you don't care about Aaron's feelings at all? Y'know, Aaron's a really great guy. He's a loyal, gorgeous and caring young man that you don't deserve! So what you waiting for? Your over now, go!"

Oh my god did Robert really mean that? Joseph got up and walked out of the back door. Robert looked at me and I fell into his open arms onto his warm clothed body. I lifted my head up to look at him.

Aaron - "Rob, did you really mean that?"
Robert - "Of course, I love you so much Aaron, I know I don't deserve you either, but I'll treat you better, if you'll still have me?"
Aaron - "Of course I'll still have you! I want you, and definitely need you, I love you so much Robert!"
Robert - "Good because I need you too."

Robert smiled at me and I replied with a smile, Robert pulled me back in for a hug and kissed my four head with his soft luscious lips.

Aaron - "Did you really get Joseph to tell me the truth by the way?"
Robert - "Yeah, I pinned him on the wall and shouted at him."
Aaron - "Aww, you do love me!"
Robert - "Yep! I just hate to see you sad and I know how much you hate lies so I told him he had two choices."
Aaron - "Of?"
Robert - "Either he'll tell you, or I would, then I'd kill him for ignoring me."
Aaron - "Aha that's why I love you!"
Robert - "I know!"

We kissed and hugged again. I held him tight and he pulled me closer into his warm muscular chest. At this moment I thought we were right for each other and nothing would ever get in the way of that again!


I hope you liked it! :)

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