♡The Start Of The Weekend♡

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It has been a week, and now it is Friday. Aaron was excited about his weekend with Joseph. Aaron sat on a chair in the kitchen eating some toast with a cup of tea. Aaron's phone beeped with a text from Joseph saying: "Hey are you ready?" Aaron grinned to himself and replied back: "Yeah." Joseph text back saying: "I'll pick you up at yours in 10 minutes."

Aaron walked thorough to wait on a stool for Joseph, when he walked out he seen Robert sitting with a pint at the bar. Aaron had no choice but to sit next to him, or at least at the other end. As Aaron sat down Robert noticed him and looked over.

Aaron's thoughts
I walked over to the stool furthest away from Robert. I tried not to get noticed, but then he noticed me. For god sake.

Robert - "Hiya Aaron."
I tried to ignore him, but then he must of noticed because he got up and moved closer to me, I couldn't move, I wouldn't let myself move! It was like I was stuck to my seat with glue.

Robert - "Hey, you alright?"
I didn't ignore him because I can't help talking to him.. Because.. Because I still.. Love.. Him!
Aaron - "Oh, hiya. Yeah I'm fine you?"
Robert - "Yeah, I'm good. So what you all dressed up for."
He chuckled afterwards. I didn't want to tell him that I was stopping with Joseph all weekend, and him to get in a mood. So I hoped Robert had gone before Joseph got here. But it didn't happened, Joseph walked in and rushed over to me and gave me a big kiss on my cheek.

Joseph - "So babe, you ready?"
Robert - "Excuse me. Ready for what exactly?"
I could feel that Robert was getting jealous, it made me feel like a spark lighted in my heart. Robert was jealous that I had a boyfriend! He does love me!

Joseph - "Oh, Aaron's coming to stop with me for the weekend, and I can't wait!"
Robert - "Oh, good for you. Aaron's a lovely lad, treat him perfect!"
He put on that fake smile he does when he pretends to like something, but he actually hates it.

Joseph - "Erm, yeah, thanks?"
Robert got up out of his seat after downing his pint, he walked to the door, and looked back once more.

Joseph - "What was all that about then? Does he fancy ya? Haha."
Aaron - "Dunno, and I think he's straight."
I gulped a nervous gulp, and I thought about Robert and I what we would be like now if we kept our relationship.

Joseph - "Shall we go to my car then?"
Aaron - "Yeah."
Joseph grabbed my hand and walked with me out of the door. My mum came out before we left.

Chas - "Bye love!"
Aaron - "Cya mum!"

The village
We got in the car and off we went. As we drove I looked at my knees as we talked then.
Joseph - "Look there's Robert again! Why's he carrying so much alcohol?"
I looked out the window to see Robert with lots of alcohol like Joseph said, oh god he's gonna drown his feelings again, wash away the pain!

Joseph - "Should we ask him if he's okay?"
Before I could get my sentence out Joseph pulled over next to Robert.

Joseph - "Hey Robert, you okay? You look miserable."
Robert - "Oh thanks! I'm fine."
Joseph - "You sure."
Robert - "Erm ye- No, actually no I'm not fine to be honest!"
I looked up at Robert to see how depressed he looked and miserable, and to be honest it broke my heart.

Joseph - "Why? What's up?"
Robert - "Forget it!"
Robert angrily stomped away down the street, as we watched him he turned back and kept going. We then drove away.

Joseph - "To be honest Robert is actually quite fit isn't he?!"
That made me so mad and jealous but I held my anger in.

Joseph - "Haha, don't get mad at me for thinking another mans good looking. Well, he's more than good looking!"
That didn't make me mad, no. It was that he thought my ex and the one I still loved was hot! And I do!


Sorry I haven't posted in a while.
Hope you like this chapter! :)

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