♡What's Plan B?♡

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Robert - "What?"
Aaron - "It's Joseph. Why's he here?!"
Robert - "I don't know?"
Aaron - "What we gonna do? We don't have a plan B!"
Robert - "Because we didn't know that it was going to be him!"
Aaron - "Just erm, follow my lead!"
Robert - "Got it."

I was panicking about what my lead was. Am I stupid? I don't know how to just go with the flow! I'll have to, for Ross and for Robert. But it'll mean that Joseph will die? I have to choose Robert or Joseph, is Ross gets caught he'll blame us to. Who should I choose?!

Aaron - ".......... Hey Joseph what you doing here?"
Joseph - "Oh hey Aaron. I'm just waiting for a friend. What are you doing here?"
Aaron - "I'm just here with my boyfriend."
Joseph - "Oh who's your boyfriend?"
Robert - "Hey Joseph I never knew you where here. Here babe."
Joseph - "Him? Robert Sugden? Wow, you moved on fast."

Hey, he's gonna die soon so I might as well tell him, I took a sip out of the beer bottle that Robert bring me over.

Aaron - "Yeah well, I move on pretty quickly. Is that a problem?"
Joseph - "No, no, of course not. It's just that I haven't gotten over you yet, I'm so sorry Aaron, I truly am."

I sat there thinking as Robert nudged me, I started to think of the plan again.

Aaron - "Okay, so how are you doing?"
Joseph - "Well, my wife left me with the kids because she found out I've been seeing you, I told her I loved you, I was hoping you'd forgive me and give me another chance. But I guess not."
Aaron - "Well, you guessed right. I'm with Robert now, no lies. And I love him so much, he loves me too."

Robert smiled and nodded as he held my hand an his lap.

Joseph - "I see. Anyway, how are you?"
Aaron - "I'm good."
Joseph - "Good, I didn't know you where here."
Aaron - "Yeah, well I have a meeting for scrap."
Joseph - "Oh, why's he here then?"
Aaron - "It's Robert!"
Robert - "And I'm the one who invested, so I'm practically his boyfriend and boss. Not a harsh one, I need to be here to sign any papers."
Joseph - "Oh, cool okay!"
Aaron - "So, which friend are you meeting?"
Joseph - "You don't know him, he's an old friend who said he's in town and wanted to meet and reunite."
Robert - "Does he know your gay?"
Aaron - "Robert-"

Robert and I started to giggle as Joseph looked at us confused.

Joseph - "No he doesn't. What are you two laughing at!"
Aaron - "Nothing."

Me and Robert laughed louder to the thought of us two being so childish.

Joseph - "It's not funny!"
Robert - "Not everything's about you y'know!"

Robert said starting to giggle again which made me giggle.

Joseph - "Alright whatever."

My phone beeped with a text, I picked it up and took a look, it was Ross saying he's got the cash and to meet him back at his. Robert looked at me trying to look confused also trying to act serious.

Robert - "What's up?"
Aaron - "The meetings been cancelled!"
Robert - "What?"
Aaron - "Yeah, that was him. He cancelled the meeting."
Robert - "Why?"
Aaron - "Don't know, something about his kid being sick."
Robert - "Well can't blame a sick kid."
Aaron - "I know. He said he'll text me and let me know when he will book another appointment with us, it'll have to be sometime next week."
Robert - "Okay that's fine, are we gonna go then?"
Aaron - "Yeah come on. Nice to see you Joseph."
Joseph - "Yeah, you too, bye."
Aaron - "See ya, see ya Robert."
Robert - "See ya."

We walked out of the hotel and passed three buff men, we sat in Robert's car and laughed.

Robert - "What were we even laughing at?"
Aaron - "Honestly I have no idea."
Robert - "So what do you thinks gonna happen when he can't find the money?"
Aaron - "I reckon they'll drive him somewhere quiet, kill him and then hide his body where no one will ever find him again."

We both laughed again.

Robert - "We're evil!"
Aaron - "I know!"

We laughed even louder.

Robert - "So what we gonna do?"
Aaron - "Well when Ross text he said he's done and he wants us to meet him back at his place now."
Robert - "Okay, let's go!"

We both laughed again and Robert started to drive back to Ross' place.


Longer than usual again yay for that!
I hope you enjoyed :)
Love you all, thought you should know that :D
Will they get caught anytime soon, or are they good criminals? ;)

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