♡Another Day♡

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Aaron's POV
I woke up next to Robert with a grin. I should really get a shower, so I got up slowly and quietly so that I wouldn't disturb a peaceful Robert, he looked so gorgeous asleep! I tiptoed over to the door and pulled the handle down to let me out.

Robert's POV
I woke up really peacefully; no distractions, no noises, nobody! I looked to my side and it was 10:01AM, Aaron was here last night! I seen the door handle pull down gently and a hot Aaron with wet hair waddled in.

Robert - "Hey Aaron!"
Aaron - "Hey!"

Aaron's POV
A smile smothered over my lips as Robert said hey with a smile! I must've looked like a right idiot! I stumbled over to the bed and sat with my hand pressed against Robert's cheek, soon my lips met with his. And a huge grin appeared on both out faces!

Aaron - "Your head bangin' then?"
Robert - "Aye, it kills!"
Aaron - "Well why do you seem so happy then?"
Robert - "What? So I can't smile?.. Or laugh?.."
Aaron - "Shut up, you know what I mean!"
Robert - "Hah, you gonna go down to the cafe and grab me an Americano with a chocolate chip cookie?"
Aaron - "Yeah, sure, whatever. Wait, why a chocolate chip cookie?"
Robert - "I dunno, just fancy one y'know."
Aaron - "Oh, alright then."

I got my shoes and coat on and was just about to step out of the door, I quickly remembered, I slammed the door shut and ran back in and gave Robert a quick kiss before shouting; bye! Love you! I shut the door behind me and walked down the path towards the cafe.

Robert's POV
Aaron went down to the cafe. Hmm, what can I do? Hmmm? I can have a cuppa, alcohol? Or just wait for Aaron to come back, yeah I'll wait.

Aaron's POV
I got back to the house and walked through the door to see Robert sitting on the couch watching TV.

Aaron - "Here's ya Americano."
Robert - "Ah, cheers!"
Aaron - "And ya chocolate chip cookie.."
Robert - "It's not funny. I just felt like having one today!"
Aaron - "Softie softie!!"
Robert - "Shut up!"

I sat on the couch and snuggled into Robert before Adam called. "Hello...Adam?...Calm down!...What's up?...Alright, I'm coming now...See ya in a bit!"

Robert - "What's up with Adam?"
Aaron - "I dunno, but I've gotta go down to the scrapyard!"
Robert - "Okay."

I bend down and have Robert a quick kiss and turned and grabbed my jacket off the chair before shouting:

Aaron - "SEE YA LATER!"
Robert "BYE!"

I slammed the door as I ran down to the scrapyard, what's up with him?

Robert's POV
Wonder what's up with Adam? I thought about it until Vic called:

Robert: "Hiya Vic, what's up?"
Victoria: "Hiya Rob, I dunno, Adam called me and panicked about something and then he called Aaron!"
Robert: "Yeah Aaron's just gone now."
Victoria: "Do you know what's happened by any chance?"
Robert: "Nah, have no clue!"
Victoria: "I'll ask him when he gets back, see ya Rob!"
Robert: "Alright, I'll ask Aaron! See ya Vic!"


Sorry I haven't been uploading much :( I've been busy with school, and also trying to get over jealousy! :( I hope you liked it anyway! :)
I'll try to upload more, but no promises, I just keep getting mountains of homework, says it's to prepare me for end of year 10 exams and for GCSEs next year in year 11! But really it's boring and stupid af!
Also it's really hard thinking of titles for new chapters!

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