Chapter Twenty-Two: How Lovely

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Dedicated to ShhThisIsASecret for the very detailed narration last chapter.

Chapter Twenty-Two

My head felt like it was hit by a hammer multiple times. If that wasn’t enough, I was dumb enough not to close my curtains last night resulting to the sun happily greeting me with its bright light.

Grabbing my other pillow, I crushed it to my face in hopes of blocking out the light. It did its purpose, though the painful headache was still there.

“Celeste, your parents are on the phone,” I heard Jazzy yell. Her voice was muffled by the closed door yet the sound still added to my pain.

“I’ll call them later!” I managed to holler back. Thankfully, I didn’t hear anything more from her after that.

I could barely remember anything from last night though I was positive that I had drank a lot of beer. I rarely get this kind of skull splitting hangovers. Somewhere back in my mind, something happened after Lucas gave me a necklace.

I definitely remember that I brought Drew’s father back to jail but after that, everything was hazy. I can’t even remember how I got home.

Finally throwing the pillow out of my face, I slowly sat up. When I stood up, I felt the room spinning but after staying perfectly still for a good minute, I had enough strength to walk.

I made my way downstairs and to the kitchen where I plopped down on the kitchen island, clutching my head in pain.

“Your parents will kill you if they knew that got drunk and hooked up with some guy,” Jazzy said as she pushed my plate of breakfast and a bottle of Tylenol.

“I didn’t hook up last night,” I told her, “At least I don’t think so.”

She shook her head in disappointment before handing me a glass of water which I drowned pretty quickly, “Then explain why I saw a figure sneaking out at four in the morning.”

“I don’t know,” I groaned, forking my scrambled eggs around the plate, “I can’t even remember how I got home.”

“Were you naked when you woke up?” she asked casually.

I shook my head and she let out a sigh of relief knowing that I didn't have drunk sex with anybody, “Now we’re back to the question how you got here home and who was the person.”

After finishing my breakfast and drinking the Tylenol she gave me, I felt slightly better, “Let me just take a shower, I feel extremely gross.”

She gestured for me to go upstairs to my room and freshen myself up. I got into my en suit and took a nice warm shower, making sure I scrubbed off yesterday’s gunk off of my body. I stepped out and wiped myself with a fluffy towel before putting on some fresh clothes.

After brushing my hair and applying my usual makeup routine, I headed to my door only for me to trip on something. I fell to the floor and I looked at the object that made me end up to my current position.

My hot pink beanbag.

Suddenly, everything came back. After I brought back James to jail, Drew kissed me. He just deserted me and I just drank a bunch of alcohol after getting back to the party. He even drove me home and stayed here until I fell asleep. He didn’t take advantage of me.

Hold up, Drew kissed me.

Even after my episode with a headache earlier, I managed to stand up at an extremely fast pace and grabbed my purse from the floor near my door. I bolted out of my room and after calling out a goodbye to Jazzy, I ran to the elevator.

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