Chapter Twenty: Screw It

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“How lovely,” Jessica muttered sarcastically as we entered the Smith’s Residence.

I totally I agree, nothing’s better than drunk teenagers who are having dry sex at the middle of the dance floor… not.

“Why did I agree to this?” my best friend groaned beside me.

I scanned the room until my eyes landed on Blake who was grabbing himself a cup of beer. It’s time for me to play cupid.

“Jessica, why don’t you go get us some beer,” I suggested, giving her a slight push.

“You’re seriously going to leave me?” she asked in disbelief.

“No…” I trailed off, looking around for a possible excuse. Lucas was walking by and I quickly grabbed his arm, “It’s just that Lucas and I need to talk.”

She lifted a brow and I smiled sheepishly at her, “Please?”

She sighed and turned on her heel, weaving through the crowd. I turned to Lucas and let go of his arm, “Thanks.”

“What was that all about?” he questioned, leading us to a couch.

“Your brother and my best friend are both acting like kindergartens,” I told him, taking a spot where I could perfectly see those two.

“What do you mean?”

“They both like each other but are too blinded by worry to even give their relationship a chance.”

I watched as Jessica approached the table, looking at her feet. Blake tapped her shoulder and her head snapped up, I could see her ears turning red. They exchanged a few words and surprisingly, Jessica turned around and started to run.

I jumped on my seat to chase her but Lucas wrapped a hand around my wrist to stop me.

“Let them handle their own problems,” he muttered. I saw Blake place down his red solo cup and went to chase after Jessica.

“Seriously, I can’t handle a complicated love life,” I groaned, plopping back down on the couch.

“Yeah right,” Lucas scoffed and I gave him a weird look which he ignored so I only shrugged.

“So what’s up with the amount of people in this party?” I asked, cringing at the amount of people. Half of the population of this house is a bunch of strangers to me and I’m pretty sure to the Smith Brothers also.

“I don’t know,” he answered truthfully, “I just texted everybody in my contacts that I’m throwing one.”

“You invited your whole contacts list?” I gaped at him and nodded as if it wasn’t anything big.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I fished it out, pressing it to my ear without even looking who it is.

“Hello?” I yelled over the music.

“Celeste?” I heard Drew’s voice. I covered my other in hopes of hearing him better.

“Drew?” I asked in surprise, Drew never calls me on my cell.

The mention of his name though did alert Lucas who turned his undivided attention to me. He glared at the phone in my hand as if it was really Drew.

Drew said some words thought I can’t hear them.

“Hold on for a minute, I’m going to somewhere quiet.”

I lowered my phone and stood up, “I’ll be right back,” I told Lucas, making my way through the sea of bodies until I spotted a bathroom. I got inside and locked the door behind me just in case any drunken idiot decided that he wants to throw up or a horny couple wants to have some bathroom sex.

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