Twenty-Two: Lets Do This, Partner

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"Usually one person doesn't solve the solution, but 100 people with 1% of the solution - that will get it done. I think that's beautiful, pieces solving a puzzle."

- Daisy "Skye" Johnson, Agents of Shield

THE ONLY REASON GRETAL FINDS finds herself in the warehouse once again, feeling like shit and tired is because of Beatrice, who dragged her back into this fucked up world called life. She narrows her eyes slightly as Beatrice lectures her about how she should've kept her phone on and should've done this and that. She just nods along, wondering how she's gonna explain to John about quitting.

Gretal looks up to see that she's followed Beatrice into John's room. She looks around, wondering where fucking Summers even was.

Beatrice pointed to the closet. "He's looking for something. But he has something important to tell you, so stay put."

Gretal sighed and sat on John's futon, leaning back. She watched as the closet door open and John stepped out, hair messy and glasses he occasionally wears askew.

She raised an eyebrow. "This is the important thing you had to tell me, John? That you're fucking gay?"

"Shut the fuck up, Davidson."

"Why don't you shut the fuck up, you piece of shit-"

"Would you both shut the hell up?" Beatrice shouted. "Now, Gretal, this is so important and I rather have John tell you. " She took a breath and turned to John. "I'm gonna start packing our bags. Blaise is going to come pick us up later tonight. Please be safe."

Gretal looked at her, heart racing. Her clenched her fists and swallowed hard. "Wait, what's happening? Is somethin-"

John quickly opened his closet again and took out his suit, the blue fabric making Gretal's eyes hurt. "We got a lead on Arachne. And by Arachne, I mean Gabe's mom."

Gretal stood up so fast that she almost tripped over her own feet as she took a few steps forward. "What?"

"You and I are going to take a look at the place. I already have Beatrice on a mic and she'll be telling me the directions. I also have Blaise hacking all the cameras at the location. Blaise will also be taking Beatrice and Gabe to his place, just in case something happens here and we're not able to help them in time. Do you understand everything I just said and are you prepared?"

Gretal blinked in surprise. She's not use to John being so collected and in control of a situation. When the hell did John become cool? Wait, shut the hell up. When did I ever start putting John and 'cool' in the same fucking sentence?


"Of course I'm fucking prepared!"

"So you brought your suit like Beatrice said?"

"Of course I fucking did!"

John smiled, holding up his fist. "Let's do this, partner."

Gretal felt her heart swell and she lifted up her fist, eyes watering and smile becoming wider. She knocked her fist with his and grinned. "Fuck yes!"

• • • •

Gretal has never been so fucking excited in her entire life. As she jumped from building to building and ran from alley to alley with John, she almost ran into three lampposts and four birds. She's totally able to handle this mission without dying or harming herself before she gets to the location. At least that's what she tells John. To be honest, adrenaline is coursing through her veins and she feels like she's on fire. She wants to find Arachne, kick her ass, then throw her ass in jail. Or just chain her to a wall and throw tomatoes at her like they did in the old days. Of course, before she does all that she'll save Gabe's mom.

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