Four: Kick Ass Like a Bad Ass

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"Life is locomotion. If you're not moving, you're not living. But there comes a time when you've got to stop running away from things and you've got to start running towards something. You've got to forge ahead. Keep moving. Even if your path isn't lit, trust that you'll find your way."

- The Flash, from Nora Allen. The Flash (New 52) Vol. 1 #1


GRETAL MET COOPER AGAIN, EXCEPT this time it was at his locker and not in some private area where he was bullied. So far he wasn't being beaten to a pulp and its already the end of the school day. It still angered her knowing that Jordan could still pick on him. But for now she put those feelings aside.

Cooper forgot to mention that he worked for a newspaper company. Gretal didn't even have a job - well, she does now. But she doesn't even know how much she's being paid to be Summers' partner in crime.

Cooper was a part-time photographer. On his weekends he would take photos of the biggest news in Brooklyn. And he so happened to have his own camera.

He grinned at Gretal, placing the leash of the camera over his head. To be honest, Gretal thought he looked even more attractive. His boyishly adorable, yet handsome face grinning at her. God, she really wanted to slap his hideous, beautiful face. And kiss him, of course. (And yes, she did just pull a Louise Belcher.)

"What do you think?" Cooper asked her. "Am I a sore loser or just plain geeky?"

Gretal blushed, embarrassed at what she was about to say. "I think you look adorably geeky."

Cooper's face redden, but he grinned anyways. "You think I'm adorable?"

Gretal flushed, way redder than Cooper himself. "I-I also said geeky."

Cooper's grin widened. He quickly shoved his camera into his book bag. "If it makes you feel any better," he said as he closed his locker shut, slinging his bag over his shoulder, "I think you're adorable too."

God, she was going to have a stroke. "For my own health, Cooper, please stop talking."

"Anyways," he said, "I was wondering if you would want to come over. . .to, um, my w-work place or something . . ."

Gretal smiled and grabbed his arm. "You don't have to be flustered around me. And the stuttering? Do I really make you that nervous?"

Cooper's face flushed, then he smirked. And God, that smirk looked great on his face. "You're adorable."

Gretal froze, face turning red. "Y-you're a jackass."

Cooper shrugged, grinning. "I know."

· · · ·

Gretal followed Cooper out of school and soon they were in the busy streets of Brooklyn. The newspaper company he worked at was a tall building and, unfortunately, the company was called Poitler Daily. Depressing, isn't it? But then again it made thousands of dollars just for the fishy and unfishy gossip of superheroes. Especially Electric.

"Basically, I'm the photographer. Well, it is my job." Cooper started saying. "And my job is to take photos of supeheroes, exclusive or not."

"Oh," Gretal murmured, "so like Electric and his sidekick?"

"Yeah - wait. When did Electric have a sidekick?"

Crap. "I just thought he had one, since, y'know, the robbery at the bank."

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