♡Real Love♡

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I woke up in Robert's arms that were rapped around me. I shuffled around and cuddles into Robert's chest. I sat up quietly and jumped on top of Robert and pinned him down to the bed as he woke to see me above him.

Robert - "Hey handsome."
Aaron - "What's up beautiful?"
Robert - "Nothing just laying underneath my lover."
Aaron - "Aha."

I started placing soft gentle kisses down Robert's neck and body, it made Robert let out soft moans. The moans then got more louder as I placed my tongue on the beginning of Robert's stomach and slowly licked up gently, I circled around my lips with the tip of my tongue. I softly kissed Robert's lips and bit down gently on his bottom lip. He released more soft moans which I replied to gently.

It was now 2:50PM and I'm laying in bed cuddled into Robert muscular body.

Aaron - "You fancy a drink later?"
Robert - "Sure. What about your mum?"
Aaron - "Just ignore her."
Robert - "Well I can't when I see her giving me death glares every second!"
Aaron - "Aha, she does that to people she doesn't like."
Robert - "Uh, she actually hates me!"
Aaron - "Aha."

My phone started to ring and I answered while Robert started kissing the back of my neck lightly.

Aaron - "Hello.."
Joseph - "Hey Aaron. You okay?"
Aaron - "Go away Joseph!"

Suddenly Robert grabbed my phone off me and placed it to his ear and talked with a snappy tone.

Robert - "Leave Aaron alone or you'll have me to deal with!"
Joseph - "I'm not scared of you."
Robert - "Yeah? Well you should be, you have no idea what I'm capable of!"
Joseph - "Is that a threat?"
Robert - "Well I'll let you decide on that."

Robert hung up and passed it back to me, I put it back in my draw.

Robert - "Why's it him always spoiling our fun?!"
Aaron - "Because your paranoid."
Robert - "Erm what?"
Aaron - "Nothing babe, love you!"
Robert - "Your lucky I love you too!"

Robert pinned me down and placed soft kisses down my neck and body. I let out a gasping moan of pleasure as he got to work with his tongue and lips.

Robert stood up.

Robert - "You know I love you don't ya?"
Aaron - "Of course, I love you too."
Robert - "I just can't stop thinking about you and Joseph."
Aaron - "What do you mean, where over?"
Robert - "Yeah I know, but I can't help thinking it's my fault."
Aaron - "It isn't your fault babe, you just wanted to protect me over his lies."
Robert - "Yeah, but-"
Aaron - "No Rob, look at me, I know you where looking out for me and I appreciate you doing that for me, I'm actually glad you did. One thing good came from all of this."
Robert - "What?"
Aaron - "It brought us closer together again, it showed me that I could say I love you and trust you again, I love you so much Rob."
Robert - "Aww, Aaron, I love you too! Thanks for making me feel better."
Aaron - "Come here you idiot."

I stood up and pulled Robert over to me and kissed his lips passionately.


Hope you enjoyed :)
It's so cute🙈

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