♡Cinema Drama♡

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It's been 23 minutes now and the adverts have just finished and I'm sitting bored trying not to drift off. I looked over at Joseph and he's just sitting with an exited look on his face, what's their to be excited about? It looks shit. He isn't even holding my hand what's up with him? It's like he is in love with this movie more that me. Honestly I'm in love with Robert more than him.

Joseph - "Oh my god it's coming on now I can't wait! It's so good you'll love it!"

I just smiled sarcastically at him but I'm not sure he understands my sarcasm as much as Robert does.
The movie has been on for 10 minutes and the affair has just started between the two of the lads. Honestly it started to make me think more and more about mine and Robert's ex relationship which I really want us to start again.

Joseph - "Good isn't it?"
Aaron - "Yeah.."

I used my amazing sarcasm again which again Joseph didn't get, Robert would get it. It's now half way through the movie and the affair has happened also the brake up. The lad got his new boyfriend but he still loves his ex. The man is alone in his house and is sitting there thinking, he's gone silent, what's happening? He got up and rushed to his car and raced off, where's he going? And why's he hurrying? He finally got there and ran into the house, just burst through the door, what?! He rushed over to his ex lover and shouted 'I still love you! I need and I definitely want you in my life!" His ex lover jumped up out of his chair and rushed over to him and they kissed hard just like me and Robert did and he said "me too! I love you, need you and want you!"

Joseph - "Isn't that cute? Aaron? Where are you? Probably just went to the toilet."

I don't know what happened something just kinda like changed me to run out of the cinema room. When I got out it was quiet so I walked down the hall slightly and grabbed my phone out of my pocket and placed it to my ear quickly.

Aaron - "Hello you there? Oh hey I need you!"
Robert - "Hey Aaron what's up?"
Aaron - "I love you please can we meet somewhere?"
Robert - "Sure, text me."
Aaron - "Okay."

I hung up and shoved my phone into my pocket as I saw what was heading over to me.

Joseph - "Hey you alright?"
Aaron - "Yeah just needed the toilet and Adam called me just to tell me about his scrap meeting."
Joseph - "Oh okay."
Aaron - "Why aren't you watching the movie?"
Joseph - "Well I think my boyfriend is more important than a movie I have at home that if I'd like I could watch over and over."
Aaron - "Erm yeah.."
Joseph - "Are you sure your okay?"
Aaron - "Yeah just hungry."
Joseph - "Okay should we grab a bite now then?"
Aaron - "Yeah let's go."

We walked out of the double doors over to Joseph's car to drive to a restaurant for a bite to eat.


I just wanted to write this chapter because I was bored and I had a Robron moment😂😏
Hope you liked it ;)
Oh and by the way the photo shown at the top of Aaron looking hot actually looks so hot😍I think I'm dying with how hot he looks😍🔫I think I'm having like an Aaron/Danny organism😂😍😏

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