Allison is in trouble

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an: Firstly I want to start off that I wasn't going to post today but post the chapter next week. That is because I have an essay due tomorrow and I have to study for two tests tomorrow that I so desperately need to pass. 😩 also I'm not so sure how to feel about this chapter. I love it because of the descriptiveness in most of the scenes. Especially in one specific scene that has to do with Allison.

Allison Argent died on March 17 2014.

It's been exactly two years since this little ray of sunshine passed away and I'm just so sad that she's gone. I love her. She'll forever be in our hearts. 😭❤️

I also love my sunshine Crystal Reed. She did an amazing job on playing the roll Allison Argent.

Enjoy! I'm not so sure when the next chapter is going to be posted. Sorry.

I do know that that will be the last chapter of the book. So, I promise to make it amazing and just absolutely perfect. 🤔💕

Chapter Thirty-Four


Everything felt different for Stella in the situation now. It felt like she was connected to the whole thing which she is but this time she felt more like she was in it then told by it. She just felt like she was in the story of Eleanor Cruz when that wasn't the case at all. Eleanor and Stella were two different people but of course with the same body but somewhat different personality.

Eleanor never had any trouble killing the love of her life while Stella on the other hand wasn't able to hurt a fly. That is unless she has to kill someone for the life of her family or friend. She wasn't one to kill someone off so easily though. It kills her slowly and painfully every single time she thinks about the deaths that she had caused.

"Stella?" She heard the familiar male voice which sounded like it was miles away but Parrish was really right behind her.

He placed a hand on top of her shoulder and then walked in front of her to see her eyes bright red. She inhaled harshly and then fell to the ground not giving Parrish any time to catch her so she had banged her head onto the floor.

"Stella! Hey, Stella! Stay with me. You can't die on me right now! I'm not letting you die." He shouted at her while he got on the floor and started to hold her in bridal style as he so desperately tried to wake her up but she wouldn't open her eyes.

He quickly turned his head around to see two headlights getting closer and closer to him. Once it flashed off Chris and Gerard got out of the car, quickly walking over to him to see their family member unconscious.

"Deaton. Take her to Deaton and then meet us up after!" Chris ordered him as Parrish didn't waste any time to take Stella to safety.

Gerard looked over at his son in shock that he didn't have tears forming at all or that he had been unfazed by all of this still. Chris had a straight face on him and his body expression were practically normal.

"Aren't you suppose to be the one to be crying over your niece? She could be dying and you wouldn't be there for her to hear her last words." The older Argent tells his son who only looked over at the distance where he could see Parrish lit up in flames but it was protecting Stella when he finally vanished.

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