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Selena Gomez

"Dylan! You're interviewing me?" I asked him with a smile as I sat down on the chair that was next to him.

He winked at me and waved the cards in front of me causing me to laugh gently.

"Why, yes I am. Now, be prepared for any questions that might make you uncomfortable." He warned me and I rolled my eyes playfully but nodded at him.

"I was born ready, O'brien." I played along and he just smiled, shaking his head.

"Okay, I'm going to go easy on you first, alright?" He asked me and I crossed a leg over my other leg, preparing myself for the questions.

"What is your favorite color?" He asked and looked up from the card with that usual goofy smile on his face.

"Green." I replied to him and he nodded while narrowing his eyes at me before he looked down at his card again.

"Alright, this one will be interesting. Who's better in karaoke, me or you?" He asked me and I smirked at him.

"Oo, I don't know." I answered him, my voice going a little bit high on accident causing me to blush in embarrassment.

"You sure? I mean... I'm pretty good at karaoke. You've got to admit, Selly." He joked around with me as I just looked forward behind the camera to see Jeff Davis smiling at us in amusement.

"Can I have someone else interview me because this isn't really working out, Jeff!" I yelled over at him but then looked over at Dylan.

"I'm kidding, Dyl." I tell him and put my hand on his arm, while I laughed, bending forward a bit.

"Uh, facial hair or clean shaven, please?" He asked me but the way he had said it in his tone of voice made me look at him weirdly and chuckle a bit at his goofiness.

"Uh... In between. Just like a little." I explained to him and he looked at me confusedly so I started to pat my cheeks for demonstration but came out to look pretty stupid.

"I look like an idiot right now, patting my cheeks." I bursted out laughing and so did he.

"Well, what about my facial hair, huh? What do you think about it?" He asked me and wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Your facial hair looks fine, Dylan. You might want to cut it a bit though..." I trailed off and looked over to the camera instead of looking at me.

"T-pose thinks I look hot like this but whatever you say." He joked and tried to keep himself from laughing because we were both just laughing way to much.

"Who's idea was this anyways? This is a horrible interview." I said out loud as I just smiled widely when I looked at Dylan biting his bottom lip to keep himself from laughing still.

"One more question and then you guys should talk about the two characters." Jeff tells us and we both nodded while trying to calm ourselves down.

"Okay, if Stiles and Stella never happened. Who would you have want Stiles to be with?" He asked me and I actually thought about this question.




"Hmm, I think I'm going to have to go with Lydia. I love how Stiles use to love her since the third grade. But... He's with Stella so..." I tell him and flipped my hair behind.

"Stydia?" He asked me for confirmation.

"Stydia." I confirmed to him.


Jeff then told us that we should just talk about our characters relationship and also talk about the next episode of Teen Wolf which was episode 9.

"Stella and Stiles... are very very very complicated. Like honestly, when I read the scripts I was confused as hell with what was going on between these two." Dylan explained as he looked at the camera since this whole thing was live.

"I actually wasn't that confused to be honest with you. Like yes, these two are very... complicated but I get where Stiles is coming from and I obviously get where Stella is coming from. They're both... they're both having their own little issue. And I guess they both think that if they keep the secret with them then the other wouldn't get hurt. But really, they're just making it worse for the both of them." I tried to explain myself on why I understood the two characters complication to Dylan and to the fans as well.

"True, true. You right." Dylan agreed and we both nodded at each other.

"Also, Stella and Scott are having moments with each other. So, that's one reason why they're so distant from each other." Dylan pointed out.

"Speaking about Scott and Stella. There's actually a scene between them in the beginning of episode 9. Where they're both in a room alone with each other and they're trying so hard to not tear each others cloths off. I guess it's more difficult with them now that Kira is out of Beacon Hills." I started to talk about the next episode of Teen Wolf without trying to spoil anything or else I would be in huge trouble with Jeff.

"Yeah, but Stiles and Stella do have a heart to heart scene with each other. So, the next episode will be very interesting. With all the flashbacks as well." Dylan tells me and I remembered that there was actually flashbacks in the episode causing me to smile.

"Oh, yeah, yea, yea! I forgot about that." I tell him.

"How did you forget about that? It's where Stiles ha-" Dylan tried to explain to me about something but I widened my eyes and slapped my hand onto his mouth, not that hard either. So, I didn't hurt him at all.

"Dylan! Don't tell the world what happened in the flashbacks." I scolded him and he looked over at Jeff to see him chuckling at himself, while shaking his head with his hand on his face.

I took my hand off of his hand and patted his shoulder gently.

"I didn't say anything..." He tried to play it off.

"Mhm." I hummed at him.

Isn't that video just amazing?! It looks so real too oh my god!!!!! 😭❤️😍

If only it was actually real then my life would have been completed. But sadly it isn't real so... 😴

I'm here to warn you guys that the next two chapters will be... Interesting... Very very interesting and depressing lololol so prepare to have your hearts broken on what is about to happen. Because a lot of shit will be happening. 😎 be prepared for cliff hangers as well 😚😉

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