Stella vs Kira

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an: hello i am back 😈 this one is bad sorry. But LittleWeirdos1513 wrote the first Bella and Lydia scene on here 💕

Chapter Thirty Part II

"It'll bring your body temperature down to a level that would kill a normal human being." Chris stated.

"Why down and not up?" Parrish asked Chris as Bella started walking around the room, looking at everything that was there.

"Something happens to someone like you when the body cools to extreme temperatures. Everything slows down. The heart, the mind. It lets you consciously access a part of you that's usually unconscious." Chris

"The supernatural part." Gerard said in a serious tone while Bella picked up an arrow and touched the sharp end.

"But that's dangerous, isn't it?" Bella asked making them all turn to look at her.

"Well, it's far less dangerous than if the Deputy can't evolve to face the Beast. And please, put that down before you hurt yourself" Gerard asked Bella only making her even more interested in the arrow that was in her hand.

"I'm pretty sure I'm capable of handling one arrow" she said confidently as she threw the arrow up in the air having it twirl and land perfectly in her hand.

The four that were watching her let out a breath of relief and continued on with their conversation

"Evolve?" Parish asked them but looked right at Chris. Bella continued to mess around with the arrow and touched the metal.

She hissed as a trail of blood started to go down her finger.

"You pricked yourself didn't you?" Lydia asked her in annoyance. Bella slowly turned around and looked at her cousin with a sad face.

"Ive got an owie" She told Lydia as she whipped the blood away with her pants and then started to suck on her finger.

"Well, the Beast is not just getting smarter. Imagine it this way... Each night, the teenage Chimera..." Chris said ignoring the young teenage girl that was still messing around with the arrows.

"The success." Lydia asked as Bella finally put down the arrow and returned to the conversation that she was supposed to be listening to.

"This teenager goes out into the night and transforms. Whether it's a young man or young woman, they become a werewolf. A very large, very powerful werewolf the people of Gevaudan called The Beast. Every night it transforms, it remembers a little more of who it used to be. " Chris added on.

Bella slowly reached into her pocket and pulled out a chocolate bar.

"It yearns for its identity. Its name. Not just the Beast of Gevaudan, but the man." Gerard said while looking at Bella weirdly.

"The Man of Gevaudan who wants to live too. He wants to exist. So imagine that one night the teenager goes out and transforms again. But when the Beast transforms back, the Man of Gevaudan stands there instead." Chris said and kept on staring at Bella who was slowly unwrapping the chocolate in her hand.

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