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Selena Gomez Point Of View

Today is the San Diego Comic Con and the whole cast of Teen Wolf from Season 5 is here besides Arden of course. She's touring around the world which I am extremely happy for her. She is singing all around the world.

So far the interview has been going very smoothly. It's been about 30 minutes into the interview so far and it's been great. The seating order from left to right is Jeff, Tyler, Me, Dylan O'brien, Holland, Shelley, Cody, Danielle, and Dylan Sprayberry.

"Hi, my name is Haley and my question is for Selena. Stella has been acting more like the old her will that stay or will that ever change later on in the season?" The young teenage girl asked in the microphone.

"Well, Stella has been much happier that's true. I'm afraid I'm going to slip out something... So uh, I can say that Stella will have some difficulties staying like that for the rest of the season due to some.... Problems along the way." I answered the question in cautious because obviously Jeff was here and if I slip something up that would be bad. Even after two years of being in this show I have been so bad at trying so hard on not to slip something up. Pretty much why Jeff is staring at me like a hawk so I just smiled at him causing everyone to laugh.

"My question is for Tyler. I love you by the way." The young girl with brown hair says into the microphone with a smile. She was wearing a Beacon Hills Lacrosse Hoodie on.

"I love you, too and I love your shirt." Tyler replies with a smile.

"Thank you and is Scott developing a crush on Stella? We've been seeing in the couple of episodes that Scott has been much more protective and emotional towards her. Is there something going on?" She asked and that's when everyone in the crowd stayed completely silent waiting for Tyler's response which caused me and Holland to laugh.

"More pressure on you, Tyler." Holland laughed out.

"So much more pressure on me. Jeff do you have an answer for that?" Tyler asked as I just patted his back.

"Scott has been getting some weird feelings that have been confusing him. But you're just going to have to wait and see what happens. Some people will like it but other people won't but it won't stay like this for long." Jeff answered causing some of them to get upset.

"Scella!" I heard a couple of people yell but then there was a whole lot more people in the audience that shipped Stargent causing them to argue with them.

"It seems like there is actually people who want a love triangle in the show, Jeff." Danielle says causing Jeff to chuckle a bit.

"But that would ruin the friendship between Scott and Stiles!" I whined so I pinched Dylan's and Tyler's cheeks because they were my best friends so I can do this when ever I want.

"Next question please." Dylan pleaded and that's when the next fan came up to the microphone.

"This question is for Dylan O'brien and who do you love more Selena or Tyler?" She asked and everyone ooh'ed in the crowd causing us to laugh while Dylan sat there puzzled by the question.

"Answer the question!" Tyler yelled at him playfully causing the crowd the laugh at him.

"I can't choose between them." Dylan sighed and smiled looking over between us.

"If you can't choose then I'll choose for you, O'brien. Tyler come here we have each other." I tell Tyler and everyone freaked out of my nickname for Dylan because my characters calls his character by his last name. It's really all a coincidence, really. Tyler got up from his seat and sat down on my lap as I wrapped my arms around his waist leaving a kiss on his arm playfully.

"Team Syler! We don't need no Dylena or O'posey!" Tyler joked and tilted his head back so his face was now in the crook of my neck causing me to giggle because his breath tickled me.

"Hey! Back off my women!" I heard Danielle yell from the other end of the table so Tyler grinned and got off of me to sit back down at his seat.

"Moving on..." Cody says awkwardly causing everyone to laugh even me.

"Okay, now for some of my questions." The interviewer says into the microphone so we all stared at him waiting for his questions.

"Dylan, lately we have been seeing that Stiles has been getting a bit more distant from Stella. Will that affect their relationship?" He asked Dylan and we all turned to him waiting for his answer.

"Well, I mean... I think every relationship gets affected by that. Someone starts to get distant and the other person in the relationship immediately feels rejected and upset so yeah I think it's safe to say that their relationship is going to get affected by that a lot. And I mean a lot." Dylan answered as I nodded along agreeing with him.

"Selena's album came out on October 9th which is called Revival, right?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah, yeah. It's called Revival because well after all the things I have been through I actually came pass it with all the people that I love." I responded and everyone clapped for my little speech.

"How do you guys love the album so far?" The interviewer asked the rest of my cast members and that's when they all started to talk at once causing me to smile widely.

"Oooh, it's amazing! I absolutely love it! You all have to buy the album." Tyler yelled out with a huge smile on his face with so much enthusiasm which is typical of him. That's what I love about him so much.

"I honestly think I broke my replay button on my stereo." Dylan O'brien commented so I aww'd at him and hugged him.

"We all love the album. Selena is very talented and we're all really lucky that we have her in our lives." Holland says into the microphone and one by one they all complimented me.

"I have to admit... You have a great voice." Danielle winked and I blew her a kiss.

"Danielle, Dylan, obviously Bella and Liam have gotten closed but are taking it slow. Do you think that that would affect their future relationship or friendship?" He asked Dani.

Dylan then looked over at Danielle for help. Danielle huffed and then grabbed the microphone moving it closer to her.

"They're only 15 year old kids. I guess you can call it puppy love but that all depends on Liam in this situation... That's all I can say." Danielle answered.

"This is a similar question but what is going on between Scott and Stella? Like seriously, they're making it come off as if they like each other or something. Are they going to date or are they not?" He asked and we all just laughed because of how everyone is interested on what's going on between Tyler's and my character.

"People are going to understand what's going on between them later on in season 5B but there might be some people that are going to figure it out right away. It will all make sense later on." Jeff answers for us.

"Well, that's all for today. I know i'm really sorry. If it was up to me we would be here all day long." The interviewer says and we all walked off of the stage.

"I need water!" I whined to Holland and she laughed giving me her water so I took it from her and drank from it.

"You thirsty son of a bitch." Danielle says playfully causing me to spit out my water and it accidentally landed on Cody.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Cody! Come here!" I yelled and took a towel from a table near by as all my friends laughed at me while I helped Cody out.

"It's fine, Sel." Cody chuckled and I shook my head no.

"You have to calm down, Selly." Dylan O'brien smiled and grabbed my arms as I just shrugged.

"I tried to be nice but whatever." I say playfully and handed Cody the towel which he accepted.

THIS IS NOT REAL. This did NOT happen. This is all made up. So don't think that this is real because it's not lol.

Do you guys want more of these later on? Or no? 😋

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