Psychotic murder club

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Chapter Twenty-Six


"Unit Five heading northwest on Crescent reporting an incredibly large... Something." Clark says through the walkie talkie for the station.

"Unit Nine, to Dispatch, I think I've got eyes on the same thing. Some kind of rabid animal." A male voice replied to Deputy Clark, Hayden's older sister and both Stiles, Scott were hearing the whole thing. Trailing right behind the four cop cars who were trying to reach the beast but being careful as well.

"Unit Five to Nine, trust me, that's no animal." Deputy Clark says and pressed onto the gas more to get more speed.

"Unit Six to Dispatch. We have a situation downtown. Multiple fatalities." Deputy Strauss threw his walkie talkie, trying to regain his balance because the beast passed through them causing a lot of people to get hurt in the process including him.

"Copy, medics on the way. Do you have a perp in sight, Unit Six?" The dispatch tells Deputy Strauss as he just sighed, looking over at the distance where the beast passed by.

"Negative. Looks like a 10-91E. Animal attack." Deputy Strauss replied to the dispatch.

"10-4, can you say what kind of animal?" Dispatch asked them and Deputy Strauss didn't know what to answer him because the truth was he didn't know what the hell that animal even was.

"All units stay back. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage." Stiles says sternly while looking out the road making sure not to crash into any of the deputy's cars.

"Stiles, get off the radio. All unit alert. Wait for back-up. Repeat, no one goes near this thing." Sheriff Stilinski replied back to his son angrily causing Stiles to sigh and put the control back to it's place but still listened to all the calls between them.

"Unit Five reporting a sighting on Hill Road southbound..." Deputy Clark trailed off.

"Unit Nine, I've got it turning off Oakridge, southbound on Beachwood..." Another Deputy says.

"All units, this is Dispatch. We've got a 911 call with additional sighting on Mitchell." The dispatch tells every unit.

"Wait a second? Beachwood to Mitchell? It's headed back for the hospital." Scott tells Stiles with a worried look on his face because he knew this was going to end up very very bad.

"Dad..." Stiles trailed off when he picked up the device once again.

"Stiles, get off this channel." The sheriff yelled angrily not having any time for his son but he needed to know where the beast was heading to so Stiles continued on talking.

"Dad, just listen to me, okay? It's headed for the hospital, all right. He's headed for Beacon Memorial. You hear me? It's headed for the hospital." He announced it to his father and that's when he yelled in frustration hitting his steering wheel violently but was careful not to lose control of it.

"Damn it! Stella is at the hospital, Scott. I can't let anything happen to her while she's not in control of herself." Stiles muttered as he worried about the girl who he loves so dearly.

"She's going to be okay. My mom is with her. Besides, she's a strong girl. I think it's going to be mostly her saving my mom then the other way around." Scott tried to comfort his best friend while trying not to make it awkward between them because they still haven't told him about the kiss. They weren't even sure they were even going to tell him about it being to scared to harm him. When he was starting to get happier all because of the Argent.

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