Theo's pack

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Chapter Twenty-Seven


Stella knocked down a security guard in just 5 seconds he was already unconscious. A hand was placed onto her shoulder causing her to get alarmed and flip the person behind her.

He groaned in pain when he landed on his back onto the cold hard ground.

"Don't do that to me." She tells him harshly and sighed as she helped him back onto his feet.

"Josh, just go get that other security out so we can get Lydia." She mutters bitterly to him and he nodded at her but he was still suspicious about her.

He wondered why an Alpha was even in a pack of Chimeras. He wondered why Stella, the great Alpha, has left Scott McCall's pack to go with them. Nonetheless he never questioned it to her because he had to follow Theo's orders.

Tracy hissed at Stella who had accidentally bumped into her. Stella rolled her eyes at her and sighed heavily.

"Visiting hours are well past over." The head nurse who was looking down at his magazine says with a monotone voice when he heard the door squeaking open.

"We're not here to visit." Tracy tells him still in her Chimera form while Stella flashed her red eyes at him.

"We're here for Lydia Martin." She growled and grabbed him, pulling him out of the office with so much force that he soon went unconscious.

Malia and Kira were quietly staring out of the door in shock.

"Good job, Stella." Theo smirked and clapped his hands in slow motion while he walked off towards the stairs.

"I'm not your dog." She growled at him and stayed with Corey.

He was the only person she was okay with even though she did strangle him earlier today. He was alright with her mainly being cool with him considering he didn't want to die and also he found out she wasn't all that bad at all.

"So, you just completely left your petty little human and other freak friends behind?" Tracy asked the Argent girl, snarling at her.

"Have you even seen yourself? You look like you crawled out of Theo's ass." She scoffed at her while Tracy stopped completely and was about to pounce on her when Theo stopped her.

"We're a pack now. So, act like it." Theo tells them in annoyance.

"As much as I would love to kill you right here and now. I agree with him, surprisingly. So, why don't you shut your mouth before I do it for you? And trust me. I'd shut my mouth if I were you." Stella threatened Tracy and then walked past her.

They all finally went to the last floor and soon got across to a door. Theo ordered Stella to open it with the keycard and that's exactly what she did.

When they all walked over to towards Dr. Valack who had gotten out of Lydia's room to see what the commotion was about.

Theo looked at Tracy causing her to smirk. She charged at him and slammed him onto the wall, holding him tightly.

"You don't wanna do this, Theo. She's safe in here. The Dread Doctors don't know how important she is yet." Dr. Valack tried to persuade Theo but there was no way he was changing his mind about saving Lydia.

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