Well, that was shocking

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Chapter Eighteen

Third person point of view

Stella slowly recovered from her little break down at the sheriff's station. Sheriff Stilinski tried to find out what happened to her by asking her but all she did was blankly stare at him and shake her head no.

She simply didn't know what to say to him considering he didn't want to bend a little for the people that he cares about. So, why would she tell her boyfriends dad who is a sheriff that she might be turning into some killing machine monster. Stella knew she was going to be something bad. She didn't deny it since the first very second when she found out that the dread doctors had done something to her. Something very bad.

Scott had picked her up bridal style because she wasn't capable of standing at the moment. Every time she tried to stand up she would eventually fall to the ground. Well, almost fall to the ground considering the True Alpha was always there to grab onto her. He had sat her outside the station so that they could talk.

At this point, Scott was completely furious. Not at her but mostly towards himself and the dread doctors. He was furious at the fact that he doesn't know what the hell is going to happen to Stella Argent or Hale. (Stella never really considered herself as a Hale just yet. So, for now she only see's herself as an Argent. Because that is who she is, anyways.) He wanted to protect her with everything that he has but Stella knew that he wasn't capable of doing that. At least right now he isn't capable of that.

Stella always believed in Scott McCall. That he could protect everyone in the world from exactly anyone. He's only going through a rough time at the moment and the Argent understands that. But for now he can't protect her so that's why she wants to deal with her problem by herself. Not even having Stiles involved because Stella didn't want him to get hurt along the way. Stella loves Stiles so much that she can't stand of seeing him get hurt. And she can't stand of having Stiles look at her as a monster.

Stella got on Scott's motorcycle since Deputy Clark did make her leave her motorcycle at the highway. She was going to get that motorcycle soon by the way but right now she has to help the pack find the three younger ones in the pack that were taken by the dread doctors.

"Scott! Scott! Scott, wait!" Stella yelled at her alpha as he got off his motorcycle and started to charge towards the house but stopped instantly when he heard her yell out for him.

"Don't let the anger get the best of you, Scott. Calm down before you do something that you are going to regret for the rest of your life." Stella begged for him to calm down.

Scott glared at her and shook his head. He couldn't calm down. He couldn't because he thought that this was all his fault. He needs to be the one fixing things and protecting his pack but he's failing at being an Alpha.

"I can't calm down, Stella! I'm so angry at the fact that they did something to you! I'm angry that they took two people from my pack including Hayden who I was trying to protect. This is all my fault and now I'm going to fix it." He growled at Stella and then stormed into the house before Stella could say anything else causing her to frown.

She soon followed right behind him to see Stiles, Theo, and Malia looking at Scott worriedly. They all knew that Scott was getting frustrated at the fact that he thinks it's all his fault.

Except really, Theo was the one who was enjoying all of this but of course he couldn't show any emotion or else everyone will figure out his plan.

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