I'm kind of hungry now

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Chapter Seventeen

Third person

"Somebody get these cuffs off of them. If they were actually involved, it was self-defense." Stiles dad says as he walked into the office while pointing at the Argent/Hale girl and the Yukimura girl.

Stella looked up at him with her eyebrows raised. She wasn't so fond at the fact that her boyfriend's father accused her of murdering someone and now he's trying to defend her as if he was on her side this entire time. Stella didn't like that at all so the way she looked at him wasn't very pretty.

Stiles dad looked down at his son's girlfriend who he actually thinks of a daughter. He knew that she was upset with him but he had to do his job. He can't just let anything slide even if it was for the people that he cares about. He just simply can't let anything slide anymore. Sheriff Stilinski just can't bend for everyone anymore.

"Oh, don't you worry about me, sheriff! It ain't my first time in handcuffs. But it is my first time being accused of freaking murder!" Stella yelled at the sheriff as he looked down at her with a sad look.

He admitted that he was hurt to see her act like this towards him considering she was usually very loving and cheerfully towards him but he doesn't blame her for acting like that towards him. He understood why she was acting like that but he did know that he had to do his job.

"Stella, I just want to know why the body had some.... marks and why it had Kira'a sword as well. It could be self defense and I get it." He says quietly trying to calm the young argent/hale down which really wasn't helping at all considering that Stella's claws were now extended out. She was holding onto the wooden bench with her deal life, scratching the bench in the process.

It's not that she doesn't have control but her anger was starting to get the best of her these past few days for her. She never wanted to admit it to anyone. Not even to herself but at this moment she knew that she is starting to have a problem with her anger. Stella knew that whatever the dread doctors did to her that it could have been something that had to do with her emotions as well.

When she thought of Stiles she would get really emotional at the fact that they aren't the same anymore. So, it wasn't just her anger that would get out of hand. It was her sadness, her happiness, and many more emotions. She wanted all of it to stop due to the fact that every time her emotions got out of hand that she would get these strange and painful headaches.

"That's correct, Sheriff." Kira's dad commented so everyone's head turned around to see Kira's parents walking into the police station with blank faces.

"Dad... Don't say anything." Kira panicked not wanting her father to be involve in our mess that Stella still doesn't quite understand why  the sheriff thought it was her in particular. Kira, she understood why. Her freaking sword was in the chimera's body but werewolf marks on it? Her? Really?

"The sword is mine." Mr. Yukimura confessed causing Stiles dad to catch off guard.

"But, seriously? Me? Why not Theo? Or Scott? Or Liam? Or I don't know maybe another chim-" Stella tried to suggest other people to suspect besides her because she just couldn't believe he thought it was her right away before anyone else.

"Stella." He warned her so Stella shut up real quick not wanting to cause a scene.... anymore...

"Really?" The sheriff sighed and asked Mr. Yukimura not wanting to believe his confession. He obviously knew that it had to be Kira.

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