Oak Creek

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an // I think I'm going to start doing the chapters in third person. Let me know if you guys don't like it. (: xx

WARNING: talks about death, a lot of cussing, graphic descriptions of wounds, and a PG-13 scene.

Oh and also.. a Sciles break up ... 💔

Chapter Nineteen PART II

Stella didn't want to follow the deputy and the older Martin to the sheriff's station due to some reasons. First, is because Scott texted her telling her that he needed her help at the Sinema. Second, because she could practically feel the sexual tension between the two people.

She obviously knew whatever was happening between the two people that she cares about was automatically illegal. But did she care about that? No. She knew better then to judge them because things in the past that she has done weren't exactly.... legal.

Besides, she killed more then half of her family when she was only five years old. Who was she to judge? A deputy around his mid twenties with a high school girl who was 18 wasn't as bad of all the things the young Argent have done.

Either way, Lydia was 18 so she doesn't really know if it was actually illegal or not.

The sound of the motorcycles engine filled her ears as she pressed onto the gas pedal more in able for her to go faster then the usual speed limit, which was 55 miles per hour . She could care less for the cops trailing behind her. Although, Stella did hope that there wouldn't be any police officers behind her.

So, at the moment she was going around 130 miles per hour. She was desperate to help her friends who were currently in trouble with the dread doctors.

When she parked into the familiar parking lot of the Sinema club. Her perfectly curled dark brown hair bounced as she got off of the motorcycle that use to belong to the famous former twin alpha not so long ago until he passed away of course.

Stella ran into the Sinema to see Scott getting pushed to the floor with so much force that she could practically feel the pain when he had landed on the cold hard floor. Trailing her eyes towards where Theo was at she saw one of the dread doctors pinning him against the wall.

A growl erupted out from her throat as she looked at the two dread doctors with a murderous look for harming her friends. Not that she considered Theo a friend.

"Stella, don't! We got this. Go find Hayden and Bella." Scott ordered her, stopping the brunette from doing something that will only get her hurt.

Scott didn't want her to get hurt because he obviously cares about her. Theo only watched Stella in shock to see that she had actually did what she was told considering he would think that Stella was the rebel one out of the pack. Always the one to go behind their backs or the one who usually doesn't do what she was told. Maybe, she listened to him because of the Alpha Pair connection or maybe it was because she was extremely worried for the two teenage girls.

Either way, Theo didn't like what was happening to Stella. She was becoming to soft towards the pack. Nothing like the person that he had heard about.

The Chimera had heard about Stella Argent. The girl who never listened to anyone no matter who they were. The girl who rebelled against everything in her way. The girl who was short tempered and very stubborn. The girl who was apparently a very powerful supernatural creature. Lastly, the girl who would kill anybody if it meant saving herself.

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