I'll Be There

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~ Taylor’s POV~

I sat in my room for an hour thinking about if I should go home or stay on tour.

** Knock Knock**

Taylor: Whoever the fuck you are take your sorry ass away from this door.

??: But you’re in my room.

I looked around the room and noticed that it was not mine. I opened the door and buried my face into Ray’s chest.

We went into his room and I told him the whole story. I decided to sleep in his room that night.

~ The Next Day~

Today has been quiet. Raven hasn’t said a word to me yet. Ray said he told her what happened but she’s still mad because I “attacked” her. I don’t really care because she brought up my past and called me a hoe at the same dame time. Anyway, in Ray’s room and it’s calm which is the exact opposite of last night. Ray told Prod & Prince that roc tried to himself on me and of course, they confronted. Let’s just say that after their “Conversation” Prince had a black eye, Prod a sprained wrist, and roc had a busted lip.

Walter & Keisha have decided that everyone needs a break so the tour is postponed. We are supposed to be going to the Conjunction House tomorrow. I don’t want to go but Ray persuaded me.

** Ray Walks In**

Ray: What’s up (Lays down beside her.)

Taylor: Nothing really.

I looked at Ray and could tell that something was on his mind.

Taylor: What are you thinking about so hard?

Ray: Can I ask you a question?

Taylor: Sure.

Ray: Yesterday when Raven said “ That’s why he beat you in the first place”, what was she talking about.

Taylor: I don’t know what you are talking about and I don’t feel like discussing  anything about yesterday.

Ray: (Gets up to leave.) Whatever, but if you need me I’ll be there.

This is super short but I needed it to introduce the new setting and other stuff.

àIsn’t Ray the best?! And he is just sexy <3

à Missing Diggy? I didn’t think so. But he’ll be back…..soon.

It Started With The Meet N Greet ( A Mindless Behavior Story) ~ COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now