Mushroom Sex?

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Ray’s POV

Prod just texted me and asked if I could check on Taylor. I can’t believe she found out about Felicia that way.

~Knock Knock~

Taylor:Who is it?

Ray: Ray Ray

Taylor: (Open door) Hey Ray. Come in.

Ray: Whatcha doing?

Taylor: Making spaghetti. Did you come for something?

Ray: Prod asked me to check on you.

Taylor: Oh.

Ray: Are you okay?

Taylor: Why wouldn’t I be? I don’t cry over boys and we weren’t even together anyway.

Ray: That smells good. (Licks Lips)

Taylor: Thanks, I just bought a new perfume.

Ray: Not you. The spaghetti.

Taylor: Rude ass. Here. (Hands him a bowl of spaghetti.)

Ray: Thanks, this is good. What’s in it?

Taylor: it’s my own recipe. It has tomatoes, garlic, mushroom and onions.

Ray: Mushrooms! (Drops bowl and runs towards the bathroom.)

Taylor: (Follows him) You don’t like mushrooms?

Ray: I’m allergic!

Taylor: Omg! Do you need to go to the hospital?

Ray: No, they just make me BLAH! (Throws up) Do that. (Continues to throw up)

Taylor: Eww. It got on your shirt. Wait your hair! (Pulls hair out of his face and laughs.)

Ray: (Gets up & wipes mouth.) You think this is funny?

Taylor: When I held your hair it was like that scene from White Chicks.

Ray: ……

Taylor: Anyway. Take off your shirt. (Pulls shirt off him.)

Ray: Taylor this is not the time to try and seduce me.

Taylor: Don’t flatter yourself. (Throws shirt on floor and reaches for his pants.)

It Started With The Meet N Greet ( A Mindless Behavior Story) ~ COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now