Chapter 14

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*Sam's POV*

I'm not sure what happened next, I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, I was layed next to Michael with my hand on his chest and his arms around me. My head was pounding as I tried to sit up but Michael's grip was too tight. I looked down at him, he was still asleep. I wriggled again. Nothing. I leant down and kissed him lightly on the corner of his mouth and he smiled. He loosened his grip slightly and slowly opened his eyes.

"Morning gorgeous" he said pulling me down towards him again, "sleep okay?"

I nodded as he kissed me again.

"What time is it?" he asked.

I glanced over at the clock on his bedside cabinet, "ten" I said putting my hand on my forehead in an attempt to soothe the pain.

"Ugh, too early." he said quickly letting go of me and turning over. 

I sat up and he turned back over.

"I'm kidding" he laughed winking at me, "C'mon I'll make you breakfast." he jumped out of the bed and held his hand out towards me.

I stood up on the bed and took his hand as he slid his other hand around my waist and looked deeply into my eyes. I placed my hand on his shoulder and slid it round the back of his neck to pull him closer as our lips touched he let go of my hand and put that hand on my waist too and I ran my hands through his hair. The kiss was really passionate. As his kiss got hungrier he moved one arm around my middle and the other under my bum and lifted me off the bed never breaking the kiss. I wrapped my legs round him and cupped his face in my hands.

He started to talk to me inbetween kisses and breaths. "You... look... so... cute... in... my... shirt... babe..."

I smiled into the kiss, "What... happened... to... breakfast?"

He laughed and clutched me tighter.

I hadn't noticed but he'd walked out of the bedroom and down the corridor and was nearly at the lounge. As we walked through the kitchen door, he nearly dropped me, "Woah, guys we're trying to eat, Mike put her down." Ashton shouted as Luke and Calum pretended to cover their eyes.

He put me down, but didn't let go. He smiled and put his forehead to mine looking straight at me. He pulled out a chair and gestured for me to sit at the table with the boys, "Sorry guys," he said, "I thought we were alone."

"Well, as long as you had fun." Calum said winking at me as Michael started buttering toast.

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