Chapter 19

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*Sam’s POV*

Move in with him?! I loved Michael but the thought of living with him was too scary. There was so much he didn’t know about me. I wanted to tell him, but it was too soon, I was worried I would scare him off. I sat up and looked at him.

“Move in with you?!” I asked out loud this time.

“Yeah. I mean we’ve been together for like 4 months now and I care about you Sam. I really do. I would never do anything to hurt you. And between you and me, the thought of you ever being on your own scares me. Especially when that psycho Jack is around ever corner. Please. It’s not like we haven’t got room next door. And the boys wouldn’t mind, they love you.” He said.

I watched his eyes flick back and forth as he looked into mine. I was starting to panic. What if things didn’t go well? What if I was annoying? What if the boys didn’t like me? I took a deep breath.

“I don’t know Mike it’s a big step.”

H stood up and faced me holding both hands out to me. I took them and he pulled me up off the stairs.

“And we’ll take it together.” He smiled and kissed me passionately.

I was sold.

I smiled at him. He picked me up and span me round. When he put me back down he took my hand and ran towards the front door. We went straight to his house.

The boys were all sitting in the living room watching tv.

Michael went and stood in front of the TV. The boys started mumbling. “Hey what you doing? Move.”

“Guys! Sam agreed to move in!” Michael announced.

The boys stood up. Luke and Calum walked towards Michael and Ashton walked towards me. “That’s great Mike.” And “Welcome to the family Sam.” I was confused.

“Wait this was planned?!” I asked

Michael stepped forward. “I’d been talking to the boys about asking you to move in, they were all for it. I hadn’t planned on asking you the way I did. I was going to make it special. But after what just happened I couldn’t wait.”

He put his arms around my waist and smiled.

He made me feel so much better. He actually wanted me there. When he asked me I thought it might have been a spur of the moment thing. The fear of losing me talking. But this was real.

He turned to the boys.

“Order a pizza and get the girls round. We all deserve a good night.” Michael said.

Each of the boys took their phones out and called their girlfriends making arrangements to pick them up in a bout half an hour.

Michael took out his phone and called the pizza delivery. I felt panicked again. I tried to hide it but Michael twigged. He looked at me. I didn’t realise my hands were shaking. He took my hands in his keeping his other hand on my back.

“Come with me.” He whispered in my ear leading me down the corridor.

I followed him into the bedroom. He walked in and sat on the bed gesturing for me to sit down next to him. I froze. Took a deep breath, closed the door and sat next to him.

“There’s something I haven’t told you Michael. I was going to just not so soon.” I paused.

“What is it Sam, you can tell me.” He took my hand again.  

“I can’t eat with you guys.” I said.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Just that Mike. I’m not comfortable with it.” I said holding back tears. I’d been struggling with eating disorder since I left school. It was hard but I made it through each day one step at a time. You would have thought in 4 months I would have eaten I front of Michael. But I avoided dates with food, except our first one to avoid scaring him away.  Eating in front of Mike is one thing. Eating in front of the boys would be harder. Eating in front of the boys and their supermodel girlfriends would be impossible.

“Sam I’m so sorry if I’d have known I wouldn’t have…”

“Mike it’s fine, you didn’t know.”

“Don’t worry Sam, I’m here for you, I’m not going to force you to do anything you don’t want to. Just promise me you’re okay and living here won’t make it hard for you.”

“I promise.”

“Good, cuz I’m really looking forward to you living here” he kissed me on the cheek and stood up. “I’ll give you a couple of minutes to calm down okay.”

“Okay Mike I’ll be out in a sec.” I smiled and watched him leave his bedroom.

That was so embarrassing, I tried to calm myself down the best I could. I looked a t myself in the mirror before leaving. I wiped my eyes and walked out into a room full of people. Emily and Beth were there and noticed me straight away.

“Hey Sam” they said both giving me a hug.

Ashton came over with a drink for me.

“Hey guys, been awhile.” I replied.

 “Yes too long” Beth said, “Michael told us you’re moving in that’s great, hopefully it means we’ll get to see more of you too.

“Yeah we’re going shopping tomorrow wanna come” Emily asked.

“I’d love too.” I said looking over a Luke and Clara slightly worried.

“Great, and don’t worry Clara’s not coming.” Beth smiled.

I smiled as Calum and Ashton came over to take Beth and Emily to the living room. I looked back over at Luke and Clara. Neither of them had stopped for air since I’d walked in. Clara kept looking over at me before going back to Luke. Michael came over to me making me jump, picking me up bridal style he sat down on the sofa with Calum, Emily, Ashton and Beth with me on his lap.

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