Chapter 23

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*Sam’s POV*

I got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around myself and walked into the bedroom. We hadn’t officially moved in yet but we were sort of living in the bedroom and out of boxes. We did the bedroom first and then the kitchen so that it was habitable but not home yet. I rummaged through the boxes looking for the dress I had bought a couple of weeks ago when I was out with Emily. Beth wasn’t with us because she was on her honeymoon with Ashton. I pulled the dress out and stood in front of the mirror holding it up against me. The old me would have been scared to do that let alone wear it in public but since I’d been with Michael every part of me was more confident. The way I walked, smiled, laughed, dressed. I was finally me. Because of Michael. I set the dress down across the bed and sat down at my dressing table to start doing my make up. I had just finished my hair when Michael walked in.

“Knock much?” I asked smirking.

“I was hoping to see more, how disappointing.” He said walking up behind me. He put his hands on my shoulders and leant down to kiss me on the cheek. “You look beautiful babe.”

I smiled as he walked in the bathroom to get showered. I waited until I heard the shower turn on before I started to get dressed. I slid the dress over my shoulders and turned to look at myself in the mirror. I breathed out with a smile. Michael hadn’t told me where were going, just to dress nice. I put the locket on he had given me on my birthday and clutched it in one hand. I’m a sentimental softy like that. I put my black heels on and stood in front of the mirror one last time before sitting on the bed. I was excited and scared at the same time.

I heard the shower stop allowing me to hear Michael finish the song he was singing. Check yes Juliet by we the kings. He walked out the bathroom singing at the top of his voice to get my attention. I turned round and smiled at him.

“No peaking babe, if you’re gonna be in here while I get changed you gotta close your eyes.” He ordered.

I did as I was told and he came round to where I was sitting and kissed me gently on the lips making me giggle. I heard him walk back to the boxes. It only took his about 10 minutes to finish getting ready.

“Okay, you can look now.” He said.

When I opened my eyes he was stood in front of me looking very pleased with himself.

“You look great babe.” I said as he gave me a twirl. I stood up and pulled me close with one hand. The only other time I’d seen him in a suit was Ashton and Beth’s wedding.

“Not as good as you Sam, wow.” He said twirling me round and pulling me back again.

His phone buzzed in his back pocket. He didn’t even look at it before he said, “taxi’s here, are you ready princess.”

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