Chapter 20

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*Michael’s POV*

I am looking forward to Sam living with us. Yeah I’m concerned but I know I can help her. I promised I wouldn’t hurt her and I intend on keeping that promise. There wasn’t a dull moment that night, we were constantly laughing. Everyone else got a bit drunk. So we ended up playing spin the bottle. We all sat on the floor and started playing. We’d been going for about half an hour, when I started to get uncomfortable. Sam had been sitting on my lap, kissing me in between turns. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t turned on, but I wasn’t about to stand up and suggest she come to the bedroom with me. It’d be too obvious. So I sat quietly trying hard not to show my feelings.

*Sam’s POV*

I knew he was turned on, I thought it was quite funny how he sat there quietly. But it was probably for the best.

We carried on playing for another half an hour before it became uncomfortable for me to be sitting on Michael’s lap. I leant back and whispered in his ear. “I’m gonna stand up. You might want to as well otherwise you know it’ll be awkward.”

He blushed and looked away from me making me smile. I turned round to everyone else.

“Sorry guys it’s been a long day, I’m really tired, I should probably go to bed.” I started to stand up, making sure Michael was behind me.

“Me too” he said.

They weren’t happy we were giving up but everyone said goodnight except Clara and we left the room.

I walked into Michael’s bedroom and he followed he closed the door as I turned around and then stepped towards me. He took my cheek in his hand and I watched as his eyes flicked back between my lips and my eyes. I couldn’t hold out. I leant in kissing him gently. He pulled away looking in my eyes knowing I knew I was safe he continued. He kissed me passionately and laid me down on his bed. He took his shirt of and climbed on top of me biting his lip, he kissed me again as I ran my fingers through his hair.

“Help me Sam,” he said looking down at himself. He only broke our kiss long enough to ask me and then carried on.

I was about to when the bedroom door opened.

“Hey Michael, Luke wants… well well well.”

Michael stood up made sure he was decent and turned to face Clara. Who had a smirk wiped across her mouth.

“Didn’t mean to disturb you,” she said almost sarcastically.

“What do you want Clara?” Michael said starting to sound cross.

“I can’t remember” she said looking at me.

“Well come back when you do but knock next time okay?” Michael suggested ushering her out of the room. He turned back to me. “Sorry about that,” he said running his fingers through his hair, “where were we?”

I think he knew the moment had passed. Neither of us wanted it to but it had. Thanks to Clara.

He kissed my forehead before going over to his wardrobe just as he had done the night I had got drunk, he took out a pair of shorts and a large tee shirt for me to wear. “Let’s go to bed” he said “I just need you near me.” He handed me the clothes and opened the bathroom door for me.

I got changed and climbed into bed next to Michael. He put his arm around me as I lay across his bare chest. He kissed the top of my head and I snuggled up to him more. He started telling me about the music the boys were working on at the moment. I desperately wanted to listen but I was so tired. I was just about to fall asleep completely when he paused. I felt him shift underneath me to look at me. I kept my eyes closed. He must have thought I was asleep because he started talking again, quieter but loud enough I could’ve heard if I was conscious.

“I’ve got a good felling about us Sam, I love you. In fact, I’m pretty sure you’re the one for me. I’ll do you proud I promise. We’re gonna live happy ever after.” He kissed me, pulled me closer and fell asleep.   

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