Chapter 3

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As I opened the door I didn't look up to see who it was immediately as I still had Rosie sitting on my hip. I was making a fuss of her when the strangers voice came through the door.

"Hi," he said. I looked up, "um... I'm Michael."

"Oh hi, I'm Sam" I said bouncing Rosie as she cried louder and tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear. It was the boy with the blue streak in his hair. He was even cuter up close.

"Listen, I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but I just moved in next door with some mates and, well for the moment we haven't got any sugar, we were just wondering if we could borrow like a cup?"

I was losing myself in his deep brown eyes. I bought myself back.

"Um...yeah of course, come in for a sec," I said stepping back from the door to let him in, I closed the door behind him as he wiped his feet on the mat. As we walked to the kitchen I was still bouncing Rosie, "shhh, come on Rosie please, i'm here ok ok," I tried.

I went to the cupboard for a cup and took the sugar from the side as I began to pur the contents of the pot into the cup I turned to talk to Michael. He was staring at me, then at Rosie then back at me, looking slightly confused. I'm only 19 I knew what he was thinking. I get the same look when we're out in public.I smiled at him.

"She's my niece."

"Oh that makes sense, don't take that the wrong way, you're gorgeous but you seem a bit young. Oh god, I'm not making a good first impression," he blushed and pulled his sleeves down over his hands.

"No, it's ok, you're ok" I said, I held out the cup and he took it in both hands, smiling.

"Thank you" he said, as Rosie wailed in my ear. He took the cup from my grip and I swear he stroked my hand on purpose.

"That's okay, any time" I said smiling back. 

"Anyway, I better leave you to it," he said, stroking Rosie on the back and walking towards the door, "Thanks again Sam, it was nice to meet you."

"That's ok, yes and you." He stepped out into the dark.

He began to walk down the path when he turned back to me and said, "Oh one more thing, where's the best takeaway around here?"

"Um... probably the curry house on the top road." I explained.

"Great I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6." He said.

He winked and carried on down the garden path. I smiled and closed the door. But I was soon whisked back to reality when Rosie started crying again.  

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