Chapter 16

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*Michael's POV*

It's hard when someone you care so much about feels so bad, you know you want to make them feel better but you just don't know how to. But I also knew something must have happened for Sam to ever start thinking like this. But I was determined to change it.

I told Sam I would finish what she was doing so she could go and calm down. I tried to convince her to put her shorts back on because it was far too hot for trousers but she seemed reluctant. She put Rosie down and went upstairs but Rosie looked at me, I nodded and she went upstairs with Sam.

I was packing things into the basket Sam had left on the side when she came down stairs holding Rosie's hand. In her shorts. I stood against the counter smiling at her.

"Rosie go watch some tv ok?" she said. Rosie ran towards the lounge and Sam closed the door. She walked towards me and took my hands in hers.

"Thank you," she said, "you know, it's great having someone around who actually cares."

I looked at my feet, "I didn't do anything." I said

She put her hand on my cheek, "you did and you know it." She stood up on her tiptoes as I leaned closer. Let's just say what happened next wasn't suitable for Rosie to see, ar all. So when we heard a little and frankly unexpected voice say, "I thought we were going for a picnic." I literally jumped to the other side of the kitchen.

Sam jumped off the counter chuckling, "yes, we are, but I thought you were watching tv?"

"I got bored" Rosie replied, lifting her arms gesturing for Sam to lift her up.

I picked up the basket and walked to the front door.

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