i'm so disappointed right now.

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honestly, guys.

I may be late catching up on what all happened at that concert, but I know what the fuck went down.

i'm honestly pretty fucking speechless.

we're a clique, guys. we're supposed to stick together. what happened to that? why did we let it get to the point that Josh had to tweet us to let us know that he trusts us? why did we make him feel obligated to do that?

for those of you who don't know what happened, Josh and Tyler were doing the Trees segment of the show. you know, the one where they stand on the pads on the crowd and drum and it's beautiful and amazing and fun for everybody involved? well, it wasn't for Josh. I'm not sure exactly if he was pushed or if he just fell, but something happened and Josh went down because of it. but we're a clique!! we helped him up right away!!!! wrong. as soon as he went down, multiple people began groping him, spanking his ass, grabbing his private areas, taking his hat, pulling his pants down, the list goes on and on. finally, security got him back over the gate and to the stage.

that pisses me off to no end. you guys, i'm fucking shaking with rage right now, you don't even know. the point of the clique is to come together, to help each other, to let each other know we're not alone. PSA, guys, "each other" involves Josh and Tyler too. if one of them goes down like that, your immediate response should be to drop whatever the fuck you're holding (unless it's the other member, don't let that one fall too) and pick him back the fuck up. you don't begin practically mauling them and stealing their clothing. what the fuck kind of fucked up person does that?

honestly, if you were one of the people that did that to him and you're reading this, get the fuck out of my book, unfollow me, what the fuck ever, because I have absolutely 0 tolerance for that kind of shit.

Josh already has anxiety. That shit probably skyrocketed when he began to fall. I can't even imagine (I don't even want to) how he was feeling when people began treating him the way they did, even when he yelled for them to stop. and after the show, god, I bet he felt like shit. I can just imagine him almost, if not fully, crying and tyler trying to console him and everything just being a fucking wreck because that's how some "fans" made him feel. my heart hurts.

to ice this fucking cake, Josh finally tweeted earlier. if you can't see the pic/don't know what he said, it reads:

 if you can't see the pic/don't know what he said, it reads:

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i trust you, myfrenz.

let's all keep using music, together. it's a special thing


we don't deserve his trust. not at all. I legit almost cried when I read this, because he forgave the clique, even though he had every right and reason not to do so. we don't deserve his trust, his forgiveness, hell we don't even deserve that amazing boy himself, but we have him. we have it all. and i'm so fucking grateful that he's letting us keep that.

the thing that pisses me off, though, is the reaction he got from that tweet. so many people began saying shit like "you can't say frenz" "you're not tyler" "this is ugly" "only tyler can say that because it sounds cuter coming from him"

I almost blew the fuck up.

who the fuck gave you the right to treat him that way, especially when he just forgave you for the shit you did to him? you're the fucking ugly one, not him.

and I know not everybody did this to him, I know not everybody could have helped him. but this could have been prevented, and it wasn't.

i'm embarrassed to even be part of this "clique" anymore

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