Twenty One Pilots asks

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i saw this on tumblr and seeing as i just bombarded you guys with a tag i figured "why not do another????" so here it is! you guys can do this if you want, but you should tag me if you do so i can read them :)

1: What was the first Twenty One Pilots song that you heard?

House of Gold

2: How did you first hear about Twenty One Pilots?

my wonderful friend wonderfulsause (that wasn't even intentional lmao help me) told me it (^^^) was a great song so i was like 'oh okay i'll check them out' and then i was like 'woah wtf is up with these losers lmao they're weird nOpe' yet here i am months later so far up josh's ass i'm talking to tyler

3: What is your favorite Blurryface theory so far?

i don't know if this is really a theory but i really love the thought that Jenna is what keeps Tyler sane--i.e. the TimH music video, when Blurry distorts everything Tyler sees until he sees Jenna and everything gets cleared up. i don't know, i just think she distracts him from Blurry and it's really great

4: Tyler Joseph or Josh Dun?

you can't ask me that fuck you

5: Which song are you most looking forward to hearing on Blurryface?

i'm actually listening to that as i type lmao but idk my fav song is probably the judge or polarize

6: What is your favorite Twenty One Pilots vine?

OOH OOH I KNOW THIS ONE that one where tyjo's all 'there's alLLLLLL this space on the couch...... and he sits right beside me' *panning camera from couch to my child*

7: Pick one; Fairly Local music video or Tear In My Heart music video?

Tear In My Heart bc Jenna fuckin slays (i'm listening to that rn what)

8: Reply with a link to the best Twenty One Pilots cover you have heard?

is this asking me my favorite song they've covered or my favorite cover of theirs by someone else...? anyways, my favorite they've done is the 7 acoustic songs (it has like Semi-Charmed Life and Remix to Ignition and whatnot) and i honestly don't have a favorite cover song of theirs because nobody really compares

9: Do you have/want any Twenty One Pilots tattoos?

dude if you read this book or know me whatsoever you'll know that i'm fucking obsessed and i don't have any yet but i want so mANY help me

10: Which album is your favorite so far?

i'll be honest and say that i haven't heard Regional at Best yet (i can't find a link hmu guys) so it's not really a fair thing but i really love Vessel like yiKES

11: Which lyric(s) has the most meaning to you?

oh fuck there's so many dear god ummmmm..... a few that i'm really considering tattoo material atm are "excuse us while we sing to the sky", "our brains are sick but that's okay" and (this isn't for a tat but) "i'm a pro at imperfections and i'm best friends with my doubt"

12: Have you ever seen Twenty One Pilots live? If so, where?

no :( they'll be in colorado next month (i'm in kansas so it's just an 8 hour drive (which isn't bad bc 1. twenty one pilots and 2. weed lmao)

13: Can you rap the second verse of Ode To Sleep?

probably not without looking at the words

14: What's the largest amount of money that you have spent on Twenty One Pilots merch?

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