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seriously guys, I am bored as fuck and want to read a new story/one shot/what the hell ever.

if you have any favorite books or reading lists by other authors, comment them on this paragraph.

if you have any books that you have posted that you'd like me to read, whether they're new or old, please please please comment them on this paragraph.

I love to read your guys' stuff so so much, you don't even understand. if you really want your stories to be put out there, I'll definitely give them a look and if I really like a story, sometimes I give it shootouts on other social media ☺️

I would look myself but I have too many followers to go through and look through every single person's stories lmao

anyways, yeah. I gotta work on some homework for a bit but like comment so I can get distracted into your guys' wonderful worlds

✌🏻️ peace out bitches ✌🏻️

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