i hate homework with a passion

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so today I accumulated the grand total of
- one history study guide (due first hour before our test and I have like 3/4 of it left to do)
- one math assignment (which I have yet to start)
- one chemistry assignment (also have not started)
- oh yes and a Spanish current events article due tomorrow fifth hour that I have had all week to work on but will start it probably 3rd hour tomorrow

yay to procrastination!!1!1!

for reals though, I've just been sitting on my bed in the same position for the past three hours reading asotm and wondering why in the hell I decided to fuck my life up like this because there's only tWO CHAPTERSL EFT I THINK I MIGHT DIE

I think I've improved my keyboard playing skills just a touch, so that's cool

oh man okay so my little brother had his school winter concert tonight and there was this little girl who couldn't have been more than 2-3 years old and she just kept running out of the bleachers and onto the risers to stand by her brother and the little boy was so annoyed by this girl but I was awwwwwing the entire time lmao

and then I went to the bathroom later and the little girl was in there, just looking around at everything, and when I got in there she put on the biggest smile and was all 'hi!!! ☺️' and then this little boy ran into the bathroom and I just kinda looked at him bc fuck I had to pee really bad and this little girl was trying to follow me into the stalls so I just kinda waited for their parents to come get them but the boy started pulling paper towels out of their holder and looked at me incredulously and was like 'those are wAY hiGH!!' and these fuckers were so adorable and he grabbed my hand and ran out of the bathroom with me and his mom was there talking to some other dudes and saw us and was all 'carter bud what are you doing??' and it was just really nice

I have so much homework I need to get done and it's 11 at night and I kinda want a Dr Pepper but that would require going upstairs and no

help me not procrastinate


help a sister

✌🏻️ peace out bitches ✌🏻️

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