hooters knockers or whatever else you wanna call them... they suck

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oh my god so weird rant but like I always knew I had big(ish) boobs and you know how when you're wearing a shirt there's always that gap in the middle (where you don't have a third chest piece duh)

well I was eating a pot pie of some sort earlier and I knew I dropped some and I couldn't find it so I said fuck it whatevs

I was in the process of changing my clothes a second ago and I'll be damned if I didn't have a huge piece of that pie just chillin there on the inside of my shirt and fuck I just hate it so much

while we're on the topic of my intense hate towards my chesticles, I also despise that I can never see over them, like I can't see my stomach (which is a good thing but still) and I can't even see my damned feet like holy smokes stop pls and thank

another also is that my bedroom is downstairs which means I constantly run up and down stairs which hurts my tatas a great deal

one more also is that I can never find a bra that fits me correctly and idek why but like I can't get an exact measurement (I ain't lettin some stranger touch my breasts like cmon now)

you got fergie over here singing about her lovely lady lumps like no cut mine off pls and thanks bc they suck

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