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let's go in order, shall we?

first, I pierced my nose (as you should know... I'll have a picture up either this or the next rant bc I'm am ugly potato) and I love it. so much. like, I think it makes me look super cute but also as if I could break your neck and that's what I aim for. however, every now and then, it fucking TURNS AND LIKE STICKS OUT OF MY NOSE A TAD BIT AND I SMACK IT AND SHIT IT FEELS LIKE SATAN RAEKEN HIMSELF FUCKED ME WITH EXCRUCIATING PAIN. also, I've been wanting to get either my lip or tongue pierced but not sure which one yet... suggestions?

tattoos. so my parents PROMISED ME THREE YEARS AGO that when I turned SIXTEEN they would PAY FOR MY TATTOO yet here I am, over two months into my 16th year of hell, blank as patty stump (my child, bless))). like????? come the FUCK ON PARENTALS

finally, school. so, I'm starting my junior year in 14 days (HOLY SHIT THATS TWO WEEKS I JUSR REALIZEF YHAT WHAT)))))))) and I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared asf. like, this is the year (part one) that my future depends on and if I fuck up I'm done and that would be horrible bc sometimes thinking of future me having a great job that I love and a beautiful husband and childs that I love is the only thing keeping me going and that is another story but

and I'm so involved in social media sites bc that's where the majority of my real friends are (minus you Kayla I lub you) and I told myself I wouldn't do anymore of that until I had all school work out of the way but like what if I mess up and I'm so scared and I'm graduating in two years and turning 17 next year and this is all coming on waaaayyyyy too fast like (I'd enjoy a Way coming on to me though (no? okay))

but yeah! that's the exciting life of alexis/anna/???? (issues I'll talk about another time). how are you guys???? I love you all. stay safe, love yourselves, listen to mcr and peaceeee ✌️✌️✌️

UPDATE: it's 2:22 am here and I just took that pic and I know it looks like shit but you can shove it up your asses bye now ☺️☺️

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