timed on homework??

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I am beyond pissed at my father right now because he says that I never do anything but stay holed up in my room and that from now on I only get one hour per night to work on homework so I can have more time to "get off my ass and clean".

first off, as many people have pointed out to me, who in the actual fuck gives their kids a limit as to how long they have to finish their homework? what if they can't get it all done within that time? I seriously looked him straight in the eye and said "fine. but when I come home with failing grades because you're whining about how long it takes me to get stuff right, I don't want to hear anything from you". he just pisses me off so much ugh

second, he tells me to get off my ass and clean all the time. let me tell you a thing: my house would not be halfway as clean as it is (even though it's a literal wreck rn) if it weren't for me, his lazy child. he likes to think that, just because he's the "man of the house" he doesn't have to do anything after coming home from work. like, excuse you, but I've been busting my fucking ass at school for the past nine hours and I don't want to hear shit from you. I told him that I'm not the only one capable of cleaning the house, especially since it isn't really mine. and then, I was downstairs and eavesdropping when I heard my mom say "you do know that Alexis and I aren't the only ones capable of cleaning around here, right?" and he's all "excuse you?" and go mom


but then again, I do get distracted easily and I am in no way agreeing with anything my father says, but when I have my laptop I just get on Twitter or some shit and if I don't have that I have my phone and wattpad and I never get anything done and I piss myself off. like, I've had five days or so to write a problem-solution essay that's due tomorrow, and I'm just starting my research tonight. I just need help focusing and staying on task and also avoiding my parents because I kinda really dislike them at the moment and yeah

literally fuck me

or motivate me


✌🏻️ peace out bitches ✌🏻️

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