my boyfriend is askcirmglsjdjrk

42 5 5

fucking shoot me

I just called Ryan because I'm feeling super down and depressed and kind of in the mood to jump out of a window and I was fucking crying on the phone

I can't do that fuck

he doesn't know about the self harm and whatnot yet so it's not like I'm gonna tell him over the phone and he was so concerned and ugh the poor boy

I kept having to pull away from the phone because I didn't want him to hear me cry and he just kept reassuring me that he was here for me even if he didn't know what was wrong and I started crying harder bc I needed that so much and it was great

fuck I'm gonna cry again

anyways I'm feeling really low and would kinda love something to cheer me up and if any of you could help me that would be amazing

just know that I love you all and I'm always here for all of you.

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