spn + fob + pudding = happy alexis

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rewatching supernatural 1x5 and would normally be scared by the whole Bloody Mary shit except I just now heard fob--my children--playing in the background and I was jamming out far too hard to be scared

anyways yeah, I'm having like a spn marathon ft. myself + chocolate pudding and so far so good 👍🏻

man, guys, I tried to listen to danger days yesterday and I couldn't I coulDNT bc of Gerard's fucking livestream and I just got reminded that it's really over and I hadn't heard him sing in forever (like four days holy fuck) and part of me died when na na na came on

so me, being the genius I am, decided to put on BP, totally forgetting about WTTBP and I realized it was the next song like a second before it started and gasped really loudly and stopped folding laundry and just held the towel I was holding really tight against my chest with a very pained expression on my face and an emptiness in my heart and my dad walked in and looked at me and heard that fucking g note and just shook his head and walked out and

they're gonna be the death of me, I swear

anyways I'm gonna get back to my show and my pudding bc I've forgotten to eat like anything the past three or four days and I'm really feeling it in my stomach now but we have no foOD AT MY HOUSE????

✌🏻️ peace out bitches ✌🏻️

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