Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

-Hee Young POV-

~Saturday, October 3rd~

My eyes fluttered open, and I looked up to see Yoongi's sleeping face. A small smile tugged at the corner of my lips. I removed his arms from my waist and quietly got off the bed. I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me.

'What should I make for breakfast?'

"First let's see what Min Yoongi has in his pantry and fridge," I nodded with one finger pointed upwards.

I checked the fridge to find eggs, milk, a pack of sausages, oranges, and other assortments of fruit and vegetables. Next, I checked the pantry. I found a packet of the instant ready pancake mix.

'How convenient.'

Along with the pancake mix was a bunch of spices, grains, and such. I opened other cupboards to find various pots and pans. The drawers had a bunch of kitchen utensils like spoons, forks, and such. Does Yoongi come here often because it seems like this place is fully stocked. Everything seems to have been bought recently. I shrugged, grabbing the pancake mix out of the pantry. With the mix, I grabbed milk, eggs, and oil. I stirred the needed amounts of milk, oil, and eggs into the mix to create the batter for the pancakes.

I began cooking six pancakes, humming to a random tune. After cooking the pancakes, I began to cook the sausages. I placed the food onto the dining table once I had finished cooking the sausages. I checked the pantry to see if there was syrup, and just my luck, there was syrup. I cracked four eggs into a bowl and began to scramble them. Just as I was about to pour the scrambled eggs into a pan, I felt arms around my waist. I let out a small gasp, almost dropping the bowl.


"Good morning to you too," He said, "What are you cooking?"

"If it wasn't obvious by the food on the table, I made pancakes, sausages, and I am cooking the eggs right now."

"Mmm, smells delicious~" Yoongi hummed resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Let's just hope it tastes as good as it smells," I laughed.

He kissed my cheek,"It'll taste amazing."

"The only way to find out is to try it!"

I wriggled out of his grasp, putting the eggs onto a plate.

"Let's eat while it's still hot!" I clapped my hands.


I was sitting on the couch watching another movie when Yoongi walked in front of the screen.

"Yoongi move," I said, attempting to push him away with my foot.


I gave him an annoyed look, "Why not?"

He held up two tickets, "I have two tickets to the zoo."

My face lit up, "We're going there?"

"Well, you're watching a movie so I'm going with a friend."

"No, no, no, no, no! I'm going!"

He jokingly rolled his eyes, "Fine~ Go get changed."

I stood up and hurried towards the bedroom to pick out an outfit. An outfit...I fell back onto the bed.

"Oh no!" 


I sat up, pouting, "You never let me pack any clothes! I can't go out in my pajamas!"

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