Question Time!!!

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Okay guys, I've been nominated by the wonderful @Lindir to answer these questions and I gladly accept. Here we go!!!!

Do you play an instrument?

Yeah I do. I sing (lalalalalala). But I also play the piano (sort of) I can play little tunes and often just plunk around on the keys!

What's your favourite movie?

Ummm..... my favourite movie varies from time to time and of course the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings will always be my ultimate movie night DVD but I am a big Marvel fan and am uper excited for Civil War. My choice is..... Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Mans Chest. Yep. I'm just gonna go for it. Don't ask any questions it just came to mind!

What's your favourite Middle Earth character?

@lindir you're not making this easy. I would say Elfreda but let's face it Tolkien didn't make her up so she doesn't count. So I'm gonna chose Sam because he's my hero and he resembles "all that is good in this world Mr Frodo"

Who would you rather date, Gandalf or Saruman?

Gandalf. Any day. I mean God rest Christopher Lee and all and we'll miss you forever😭😭 and I have huge amounts of respect for you who did your own stunts at the fabulous age of 93. However I feel Gandalf would know how to be there for you and be the person you'd want around. Also at a party I think he'd be the one to rock out on the dance floor.

Who's your favourite Youtuber?

Wow. Okay here we go. I love Dan and Phil. I mean come on they're the best. Also I love Pteryx. They do amazing videos about fandoms and some of them make me cry (Because you are my friend and Not just stories) and I'd recommend them anyway.


Okay chums there you are. Wow I feel like I've got it off my chest and yep I've done a Q&A!!!!

Right so I've gotta nominate some people ok.




And my follower. @TaylaJB because you the most recent person to vote for my story!!!

My questions are:

What's your favourite novel?

Who's your favourite fictional character?

What would be your super power?

If you could be an animal what would you be?

Theeerrrrreeeee you go!

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