Chapter 25

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Elfreda's story.

I lived in the halls of Erebor since the end of Dain 1st ( Thorins great grandfather) reign. I arrived at the mountain cold and hungry. A huge storm was ripping its way through Middle Earth and my home had been destroyed by a group of orcs. I had been unprepared for the attack so I was injured but not as badly as I had first thought.

Erebor was a light at the end of my tunnel. A guard answered when I knocked on the door. He looked at me with stern and judging eyes. The dwarf rejected my cries for help and shut the small door. I yelled and pleaded for him for open it again but it was no use. Thunder clapped all around me. All I can remember from the rest of that night is curling up in a ball on the side of the mountain with my cloak wrapped around me like a blanket trying to block out the noise whilst trying to get to sleep. My utter exhaustion probably forced me to a dreamless sleep.

When I woke, I was in a bed covered in white linen and my wounds wrapped in bandages. I felt fresh and awake lying down but as I sat up my head felt like I was onboard a ship on rough seas. I lay myself back down. Looking around, it looked like I was in some medical ward because there were dwarves all over the place in aprons looking after others who were being sick or bleeding. Then a physician walked up to me.

"Ah, I see you are awake then!" he said his voice was friendly and reassuring. I tried again to sit up but the physicain told me not to, the medication would me fell sick and light headed until it wore off. I lay down once again but the dwarf gave me two extra pillows to see what was going on around me. The ward was quite quiet beside the occsional sound of vomit spewing across the floor. I figured I had made it into Erebor but how I did not know. There was stone pillars of dwarven kings all along the walls and a view of the long causeway where a market was taking place.

Trumpets sounded across the hall. Everyone stopped and turned to see Dain 1st an his son Thrór at the doorway. Dain struggled to stand so a walking stick made of fine oak and green gems supported him.
"I'm here to see our visitor," he said. The physician nodded ad directed his king over to where I lay. I lowered my head
"My lord thank you for your most considerate care,"
Dain ordered one of his servants to get him a chair. He sat by my bedside, with Thrór stood behind him. They both had the same grey eyes and strong build. Thrór stood with his arms crossed whilst Dain looked at me with kind eyes.
"Tell me, what was a young girl such as yourself doing out in a such a storm as last night?' he asked. I can remember laughing to myself as I told him my story and the look on his face. I told him about the orcs. The whole story took about 15 minutes to tell and by the time I had finished, everyone in the hall was listening. I finished my sad story with a smile. Dain sat back in his chair an stretched his arms high in the air. His long beard hung down to his stomach.
"Well, your quite the adventurer!" he chuckled. I laughed and agreed.
"You may stay here as long as you wish, Elfreda." smiled Dain. At the time, I could not believe what he had said. I finally had a stable home.

As time went on, I became good friends with the royals of Erebor. I was promoted to chief advisor to them, a first for a woman to be given the role. Thrór was an amazing king like his father. His son Thrain was expecting his first child.

All through Erebor there was much excitement. The dwarves were preparing a huge feast for the new princes birth. I too was very excited but nervous. Thrain had given me the role of his child's guardian. The heir to Erebor and I sat and stood outside the hospital wing.

Thrain had his head in his hands. I remember this moment like it was yesterday, Bilbo. I remember the tension and the excitement. But I also remember the yells of pain coming from Thrains wife.

Then everything stopped. It's was like a haze. All was quiet. Thrain and I were both suddenly alert, wanting to know what was going on. After what seemed like a forever, the midwife opened the door to Jemima's stall. She was holding a sleeping babe in her arms wrapped in white cloth.

I gave Thrain and Jemima some space with their new child. Instead I went to tell Thrór. He was over the moon to have a grandson.

As Thorin's guardian, I was in charge of protecting and educating him, although most of the time Thrain taught him. But when Thrain was away or doing some of his fathers duties, Thorin and I spent a lot of time together even when Thorin's siblings Frerin and Dis were born.

I probably by meant to tell you this, Bilbo, but growing up Thorin was quite rebellious and when I think about it, some of it comes across now.

There was one time when Thorin and Thrain had had an argument and it ended up with Thorin storming out of the mountain. I had been told to find him. By this time I had lived in Erebor for over 100 years and I knew all of the favourite hiding places. Thorin was not one to play hide and seek.

In fact, I found him that evening in Dale. Thorin had got himself into a bit of trouble with a few drunks. Both of the drunks were taller than Thorin and me.
"Excuse me, I wouldn't take another step if I were you," I said putting my hand on Throin's shoulder. The drunks looked at me, their eyes obviously judging me because I am female.
"Why? You don't even have a sword," they mocked, their breath was intoxicating enough. I put my hand to my belt, realising that I had forgotten my blade. But I smiled at the drunks
"I don't need one," I replied. That moment makes me laugh. The way that Thorin looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

One of the drunks had snuck up behind me and grabbed my waist. He pulled me into him. Thorin tried to pull me free but the other had him in a head lock.
"You have no idea what I'm capable of," I said. Then with my boot I stamped on the drunks foot. He yelped in pain, taking his filthy hands off me. I grabbed his arm, twisted it behind his back and slam dunked him onto the ground. I dislocated his shoulder with a quick stamp on his shoulder socket.

The other drunk dropped Throin to the floor. He charged at me but I simply stepped to the right. As he whizzed past me, I held out my foot. He tripped over it and went flying off into pile of hay.

Thorin and I took the drunks to the cells to sober up.

Once back in Erebor, Thorin seemed rather pleased with himself. I however was not at all happy with him. That night I gave him a good lecture about staying out of trouble and what a prince should do.

For the many years afterward, Thorin and I became very close. We fought and trained together. We became like family.

Now Bilbo, you have listened to my story for far to long. The sun is rising over the horizon and soon the company will be up and about. I have many stories and some of them are dark and some are more light hearted. My life has been a long one and not always the best. Yet, I live life to the full. This is what everyone should do because in order to have good days, you must have bad ones.

Here, hand me your water bottle and I'll fill it for our long day ahead.

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