Chapter 75

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"Jasmine how did he get into your room? He wasn't supposed to be there" Brent said.
"What did you say to him? It doesn't fucking matter if he was in my room I know how to protect myself" Jasmine yelled getting all defensive.
"Look I'm the oldest so you're supposed to listen to me! I don't want to see another guy in here other than me and Chris ok?!" Brent said raising his voice.
"You forgot dad stupid!" Jasmine said.
Brent suddenly went serious.
"What? Did I say something wrong?" Jasmine asked.
"Jas.....dads not here" Brent said.
"Of course he's not he's at work" Jasmine said like he was acting stupid.
"No I of your lost memories was when dad went into coma" Brent said.
"Oh my god is he ok?" Jasmine asked.
Brent sighed and started to cry.
"No.....he died a few months ago" Brent said crying.
"What? No this can't be real.....Brent why?!" Jasmine asked.
She started to cry too.
"Listen-" Brent started to say but she stopped him.
"No you listen, I don't want to know about my past life maybe I don't want to remember ok?.....why Brent why!" Jasmine said and ran upstairs crying.
She slammed her door and locked it.
She jumped onto her bed and cried on her pillow for hours and hours until she got a text message.
It was from Chris.

C-come to the park please
J- why?
C-you'll see trust me :)
J-ok whatever

Jasmine got up washed her face and decided on how to get out of the house.
She didn't want to see Brent so she decided to climb out from the balcony.
Once she was finally out she started walking to the park.
"Chris where are you?" Jasmine said.
She suddenly felt two hands cover her eyes. "Guess who?" The person said.
Jasmine wanted to say Chris but then she realized........
"Crawford?" She said.
He slowly took his hands away.
"How did you remember?" Crawford asked. "I-....I remember going to the park with you one day" Jasmine said.
" Oh my gosh this is great! You're remembering" Crawford said.
"'s not! I just found out my dads fucking dead!" Jasmine said angrily.
She stomped off towards the field.
Crawford followed.
"Jasmine I'm sorry, I didn't know Brent told you. You had to find out eventually did you want us to lie?" Crawford asked.
Jasmine sighed.
"No....everything is just so stressful. I want to remember but it's so hard and painful" Jasmine said almost in tears.
"Look Jasmine there's A LOT of things you don't remember and the doctor had told us you would have to recreate your memories but luckily you just remembered.....I'm happy because I miss you I know that sounds weird right now because you don't remember us dating but I don't care I'll help you remember and everything....if you don't want to that's fine too" Crawford said looking down.
Jasmine looked at him.
Wow he's so sweet, cute and can't I remember ever dating him? Jasmine thought.
"I want to remember.....can you help me? You know we can just like do everything over again" Jasmine said.
"Well we can't do exactly everything but we can explain to you what happened......I do kind of want to redo our dates though" Crawford said smirking. Jasmine looked at him and blushed. " love to go on any redo date, I'll do whatever it takes to remember anything I lost.....especially you. You seem so sweet and cute and you're just so...lovable like I feel strong feelings for you but I can't seem to remember why....."Jasmine said.
Crawford took her hand.
"Don't stress it. It will all come in time I'll be there with you if you need me" Crawford said. Jasmine took her hand back.
"That's sweet but I still don't remember you all the way, let's keep a distance for now" Jasmine said as to referring to the hand holding and such.
"You're right....I should get going Chris is in his car waiting for you he said he would drive you home" Crawford said.
"Oh ok what are you gonna do?" Jasmine asked. "Skateboard, I'll be fine take care ok?" Crawford said.
They both stared at each other for a while until Jasmine finally turned around and walked to Chris's car.
She felt so confused.
When she kissed Cameron it was as if it were meant to be but then she'd look at Crawford and it felt like nothing else in the world mattered, like only she and him are the only ones in the world.
Jasmine got into Chris's car and he started to drive.
"So how'd it go?" Chris asked.
"Great I guess" Jasmine said looking out the window.
"Tomorrow's Brent's birthday are you guys gonna do anything special? He invited me over" Chris said.
"Is Crawford coming?" Jasmine asked.
Chris laughed a little and looked at her. "Depends... do you want him there?" Chris said teasing her.
"Shut up" she said laughing.
"I just had a decent conversation with him I don't exactly remember him.......I want to though he's so...." Jasmine said.
"Annoying, messy, weird?" Chris said making Jasmine laugh.
"No.... he's so different...." Jasmine said.
The rest of the drive was quiet.
Once they finally got back to the Rivera house, Chris went in with Jasmine.
"Thank god you're ok I thought you ran away" Brent said.
Before he could say anything more Jasmine hugged him.
"I want to remember no matter how hard the past will you help me?" Jasmine said.
They pulled away and he nodded.
"First though LETS GET SOME PIZZA" Brent said loudly making Chris and Jasmine laugh. "I'm gonna go change into my pjs so we can watch movies Jasmine said.
She went to her room and closed the door.
She was about to change when she suddenly saw two boxes on her bed.
1 from Cameron and 1 from Crawford. In the middle of both boxes there was a note that said Choose.

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