Chapter 23

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Brent took her out of her thoughts.
"Hey I just uploaded the video you should tweet it out to your fans" Brent said.
Jasmine nodded and took out her phone.
@JasmineRivera: hey guys! I did a new video with my brother,Brent! Go check it out!
Jasmine tweeted it and instantly got replies.
Why did Crawford get mad?
@CrawfordCollins Jasmine isn't actually dating Chris check this video out
Jasmine laughed at the replies. Crawford tweeted out to her.
@CrawfordCollins: @JasmineRivera if you ever prank call me like that again I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!
Jasmine laughed and tweeted him back.
@JamsineRivera: @CrawfordCollins why did you get so mad anyways?? ;p
Her fans instantly started freaking out. She turned off her phone.
"Hey Jas do you and Crawford have something going on?" Brent asked.
He sat next to her on his bed.
"Um why?" Jasmine asked.
"Do you? You guys hang out all the time when I'm not around and you cuddle with him too" Brent said smirking.
Jasmine playfully punched his arm. "Actually....I think I kind of do like like him buuuut......I'm not ready to tell him" Jasmine said. Brent nodded.
"I understand just be careful I don't want to see you hurt cause if a guy hurts you I will tear them to pieces I swear" Brent said as Jasmine laughed at how protective he was.
"Thanks but I don't think any guys are gonna be hurting me just yet" Jasmine said.
She suddenly got a call from Crawford.
"Is that your boyfriend calling?" Brent said smirking again. Jasmine rolled her eyes.
"Shut up" she said making him laugh as she got up and left to answer her phone.

C-Crawford J-Jasmine
J-hey crawf what's up
J- haha whaaaaaat I don't know what you're talking about
C- you know exactly what I'm talking about I yelled at Chris for nothing he was so confused
J-HAHAHA tell him I said I'm sorry it was just a prank call for Brent's video
C- ok but seriously....
J-are you ok?
C-yeah it's just....
J-just what?
C-never mind.... You wanna walk around the park with me? I'm bored
J- haha yeah sure why not
C-ok I'll be over in 10 minutes
J-k bye

She hung up and smiled to herself.
She quickly went to her room to change.
She put on a long sleeve Harry Potter shirt and dark denim skinny jeans. She left her hair down and put on her gray beanie and gray/black vans.
She went to Brent's room to see what he was doing.
"Hey I'm gonna go walk around with crawf is that ok?" Jasmine said.
Brent was on his computer watching something on Netflix.
"Yeah I'll just be here Netflix and chilling on my own" Brent said sassily making Jasmine laugh. "Ok haha see ya later" she said as she closed the door to his room.
The door bell suddenly rang. She ran downstairs and opened it.
"Hey" Crawford said. He instantly started smiling wider as soon as he saw Jasmine. "Hey" Jasmine said as she walked out and closed the door.
They started walking down the street towards the nearest park. "Are you a Harry Potter fan?" Crawford asked. "YES I've read all the books and watched all the movies. I read a lot on my spare time" Jasmine said as Crawford listened to her.
She couldn't help but look at him when he wasn't looking.
Whoa Jasmine calm down she thought as they got to the park.
"I've only read a few books. I'm not much of a book worm haha...NOT saying that you're one" Crawford said as he turned red with embarrassment. Jasmine laughed.
"It's fine I know I'm a book worm/geek/nerd/weirdo haha" Jasmine said making him laugh. They went over and sat on the swing set. "How's Brent been doing ever since you guys talked to your dad?" Crawford asked.
Jasmine looked down and swung back and forth.
"He's been ok I guess it doesn't help when people bring it up but it's fine I'm gonna have to get used to it" Jasmine said.
"Are you ok? How are you dealing with it?" Crawford asked.
Jasmine stopped and stood up.
"I'm fine I guess same as Brent" Jasmine said.
I just seem to be losing everyone what next? Brent dies then my mom? I don't want to be alone Jasmine thought.
Crawford wiped away her tears. She didn't even realize she was crying.
"You won't be alone you're mom and Brent are still here with you...I'm here with you" Crawford said.
They were both face to face and Jasmine couldn't help but stare into his eyes. "Did I think out loud?" Jasmine said laughing a little. "Yeah haha it's ok though" Crawford said smiling.
Jasmine blushed. She loved seeing him smile at her. She quickly looked away.
"Whoa look" Crawford said as he pointed towards the sky. The sunset was beautiful. Jasmine reached over and grabbed his hand while still looking at the sky.
The whole time she could feel him looking at her.

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