Chapter 37

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Jasmine found Brent and Cameron talking to the other Magcon boys.
"Hey...are you ok?" Cam asked when he saw her.
"Yeah just tired" Jasmine said trying to smile. She honestly wished nothing bad had ever happened between her and Crawford.
She got a text from Ana.

A-Crawford is all moody now because of you UGH watch your back bitch

Jasmine stared at her phone and ignored the text.
Crawford please think this through Jasmine thought.
"Hey lets go hang out in our room" Taylor said making all the other guys agree.
"You and your brother are welcome to come if you want" Cam said shyly. Jasmine laughed a little. She looked over at Brent and he smiled and nodded.
"We'd love to join you guys" Jasmine said making them all smile.
*at Taylor and Aaron's room*
"Ok you guys wanna watch a movie?" Aaron said. They all nodded as he took out a scary movie.
"whyyyyy?!why can't it ever be a comedy?!" Jasmine said whining making everyone laugh. While the movie started Cameron texted Jasmine from across the room.

C-wanna make a video with me and Nash in our room?
J-yeah sure why not

Jasmine got up quietly and told Brent.
"Be safe text me if you go back to our room" Brent said as he hugged her goodbye and she left.
*at cashs room*
"Ugh thank god we got out of there" Jasmine said.
"You hate scary movies that bad?" Nash said laughing a little.
"Yeah so what video are we doing?" Jasmine asked.
"We are going to be doing 3 separate videos one for my channel one for Nash's and one for yours" Cameron said.
"Ooooh ok so which one first?" Jasmine said as she sat down on their bed.
"Minessssss haha we are going to be doing the chubby bunny challenge" Nash said.
"Then we'll do the hot pepper challenge for mine" Cam said.
"What do you wanna do for yours?" Nash asked Jasmine as Cameron set up the camera. "Hmmmm lets do the....karaoke challenge" Jasmine said.
"Oooooh I haven't done that one yet this will be fun" Nash said making Jasmine laugh.
"Ok pull up your chairs and get ready Nash you'll be in the middle since your videos first" Cam said.
They put up 3 chairs and sat in their places. Nash quickly turned on the camera.
"Hey guys! Today I am here with two guests introduce yourselves peasants" Nash said making Cameron and Jasmine laugh.
"Hey I'm Cameron Dallas" Cam said making a goofy face. Jasmine laughed.
"Heyyyy my names Jasmine Rivera" Jasmine said waving to the camera.
"So today the 3 of us are going to be doing the chubby bunny challenge so let's get started" Nash said.
*7 minutes later*
"HAHAHA" Jasmine was laughing loudly as she lost and looked at how Nash and Cameron looked.
They threw their marshmallows away and ended the video. "Ok so that was it guys as you saw Cameron is like a chipmunk" Nash said making Jasmine laugh again.
"Sorry I lost I could only fit 7" Jasmine said pouting. Both guys laughed.
"If you liked this give it a thumbs up and remember to subscribe it helps a lot anyways love you guys bye" Nash said turning off the camera.
"That was fun....and messy" Jasmine said laughing.
"We can make our videos tomorrow it's 2:00am" Cam said.
"Crap I should get back to my room Brent is probably worried thanks for everything I'll see you guys tomorrow" Jasmine said grabbing her back pack and running out to her and Brent's hotel room.
She opened the door and ran in. "Brent I am so sorry I was-" Jasmine stopped quickly as she saw Chris and Crawford sitting on the couch talking to Brent.
"I'll be in my room" Jasmine said walking away from them quickly.
She heard someone call out her name but she ignored it and slammed the door.
She threw her backpack to the floor and flopped onto her bed and cried.
Why do I care so much? He was just a guy. He probably thinks I'm just annoying and ugly Jasmine thought.
She got out her laptop and decided to edit her vlog that she had forgotten to post.
Once she was done, she had stopped crying and someone had knocked on her door.
"Who is it?" Jasmine asked.
"It's Chris....can I come in?" Chris asked. Jasmine got up and opened the door.
"Hey..." Chris said as he came into her room. She closed the door and went back to her bed. Chris sat next to her.
"Are you ok? Crawford's been-"Jasmine cut him off.
"Can we please not talk about him?.....please" Jasmine said wiping away tears.
"Oh I'm s-sorry I didn't.... What happened? Why don't you like his girlfriend?" Chris asked. "Chris....Ana used to bully me through all my middle school years and it had caused me to self harm a lot and almost commit suicide but Brent stopped me before I could do it....she still hates me and what makes it worse is she's now dating Crawford and she keeps threatening to hurt me if I'm near him" Jasmine said.
Chris looked at her shocked.
"Please don't tell Crawford I want him to be happy....if he likes her then ok" Jasmine said.
It hurt her a lot to say it but what was she supposed to do?
"Wow...I am soooo sorry I didn't know I ..... I won't tell him but if you need help or if she does try to hurt you, you can trust me I'll be there to help out" Chris said.
Jasmine broke down and hugged him. "Chris....I liked Crawford and now he's taken" Jasmine whispered into his ear while hugging him right.
"I know Jasmine I know" Chris said.
He let go and Jasmine wiped her tears.
"You should sleep Crawford wanted me to convince you to talk to him but honestly I don't think that's the best idea right now" Chris said. Jasmine nodded and laid down.
Chris put the blankets over her.
"goodnight I guess I'll see you tomorrow" Chris said as he silently went out of her room. Jasmine took out her phone and checked Twitter.
@JasmineRivera: hey guys....might not be as active for the next few days...don't feel very well I'll fight it though love you guys :) <3
Jasmine tweeted it and looked at the replies.
Crawford's dating someone??
I thought JASFORD was real who's Ana?
Jasmine felt bad.
The fans thought she and Crawford liked each other and now knew about him and Ana.
Why does it have to be this way? I wish he knew how I felt she thought.
She was about to turn her phone off when Cameron texted.

C-goodnight beautiful

Jasmine smiled and drifted off to sleep.

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